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Barrybgb Blog

Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Review

Well, maybe not a review. Just my quick thoughts.

I haven't been this happy with a 'Pirates' movie since the original. I liked Part 2 a lot, but Part 3 was very disappointing. It didn't have that magic. That charm. It's brought back in Part 4. While "On Stranger Tides" may not be as 'strange' as some would think, it's everything one would expect and want from a "Pirates" movie. It's action packed, looks amazing, Depp is rejuvenated in the role, great humor and gags, and has an amazing scene with mermaids that is worth the price of admission alone.

The critics have not been kind to the movie, and some of it has been so scathing, it just boggles the mind. Are they just getting practice in in anticipation for 'Transformers 3'? Judging by the packed theater I saw it in, the laughs in all the right places, and 90% of the crowd clapping at the end, I would say the audience is loving it. And rightfully so.

Bring on Part 5!

"Smallville" Finale + Sarah Michelle Gellar!

Now that is how you do a finale! I've been with 'Smallville' since the beginning. This was 10 years in the making and it did not disappoint! I am not ashamed to admit that I got quite emotional at times and a bit teary eyed. Plus, Lex! I'm glad Rosenbaum came back. We needed to see him in the end. It was all just fabulous. As a kid who grew up with the Christopher Reeves movies and that iconic score, it just made me feel that specialness again. The best series finale I have seen in quite some time.

I am not exactly drooling at the mouth for Zack Snyder's upcoming movie. I am not a fan of his work, and the whole thing has left me kind of cold. The casting has certainly been interesting, I will give it that, but it won't come close to touching me or having that kind of connection as "Smallville" or it's wonderful finale did.

In other news,

The one and only Sarah Michelle Gellar is coming to the CW! With all the problems I've always felt towards the network, it does the heart good to see her on it. I really wasn't expecting it. With the CW now with a new president (Goodbye and good riddance, Dawn!), maybe it will try to get back to it's WB glory days.

Testing, Testing 1 2 3....

Does anybody here remember me?! Lol. Just checking. :) It's been seven months since I lasted posted here. At the time, the site was no longer what it was. It was kind of depressing. Also, I was having computer troubles. I pretty much went to twitter several months ago, even though I swore I never would join there. Lol. What can I say? It got me. If any of you are on Twitter, I am there under the same name here. Barrybgb.

Coming to this site for such a long time was, easily, the most fun I had online. I made a number of friends here, and it was, I guess, the "Golden Age" of A few people had left for good, and some didn't post as often anymore. But, I miss this place, and so I am back.

Anybody still here? :)

After 4 Months....

Well, here I am. 4 months after my last blog on this site. The site certainly has changed. A shadow of it's former self, sadly. I never get on here anymore, but I never think about abandoning the place completely. So many have gone, but some of the greats are still here, thankfully.

TV wise -

The only shows I am following are :


The Vampire Diaries


Modern Family


I was watching and liking "Life Unexpected" a lot, but I missed the last several episodes and never got caught up. So, that one is out now. "Parenthood" is a breath of fresh air. I am loving it. I also like "The Middle" as well.

Caught the debuts of "Hellcats" and "Nikita" on the CW, and I didn't like either. Won't be tuning back in. The only new show this season I am even remotely interested in checking out is "No Ordinary Family". That looks promising.

A Nightmare On Elm Street(2010)

I refused to see this one. I wanted no part of it. Alas, a friend and I found ourselves with time to kill and we went and saw it. I don't want to support these remakes, but I also wanted to know what I am talking about when I see other friends and fans discussing it. So I went. It was exactly what I feared. First off, one of the biggest mistakes the movie made was the changing of Freddy's backstory. They changed him from a sadistic child killer to a child molestor. It doesn't work as well. Besides a few moments of awkwardness and some squeamish pervy moments with Nancy, it also waters down the infamous glove. Here, there is no purpose for the glove at all. In the original story, he made his glove to carry out his evil deeds to the little kids of Springwood. In this movie, it serves no point. As dream killer Freddy, it's just a weapon. He molested these kids and one has part of her dress cut in the front. That's it?. He just created this glove to give a bad tailoring job to a dress?. It's really silly and this change in story is on real shakey ground. I'm certainly not making light of the seriousness of the new child molestor storyline, since it's just as awful a deed, but it makes Freddy more of a dirty perv than anything else. It lessens the character a lot more. It was a giant mistake that lessens the reason and impact for the glove. As for Freddy himself, I like Jackie Earle Haley a lot. He's a good actor and seems like a great guy. But he's not Freddy. This just isn't for him, but you can't put the blame all on him. He is hampered with a mistake of a new backstory, as well as a weak, shakey script in general. A script that lacks in scares and makes up for it with loud noises to keep you awake and "jump scares". There are so many of them in this movie. At the end, you aren't scared. You just got a pounding headache. As for the effects, that's another disappointment. A modern movie with a $35 million budget and they don't do anything spectacular or out of the world with any of it. The only interesting aspects are the iconic scenes they took out of the original film. Even then, those scenes(with the exception of Nancy falling into blood to get away from Freddy) are drained of the impact and power they originally had. The worst is Freddy coming over the wall above Nancy. Here, it's just a CGI cartoon that is so laughably bad and devoid of any power that people in the audience with me were laughing. You can't CGI scares. That's just lazy filmmaking. The 'micro naps' part of the story is kinda/sorta interesting, but in the end it just means more "boo scares" and a chance to see more Freddy, which also dampers the tension. Is there anything I like?. I liked the opening credits and the music., Katie Cassidy. She's purdy. Honestly, that's about it. There is such a cold, mechanical, detached feel to this movie that it never recovers from it. It's very much a modern movie for modern audiences. Cheap CGI, lousy story, and an unwillingness to put all the tools they have at their disposal to any kind of creative and effective use = a real nightmare.

Long Time No Blog! + Loving Parenthood!!

Hey everybody!. It's been a while since my last post. My goal was to be here more in the new year, but it didn't get off to a very productive start. I'm hoping to change that!!. :) I am absolutely in love with the new "Parenthood" show. So glad it was renewed. I liked the pilot well enough, and I am glad I stuck with it because it has gotten better and better. It's warm, funny, touching, dramatic, etc. I thought it had trouble finding the balance of the comedy and drama like the movie it's based on in the pilot, but it has definitley improved. It's great seeing Lauren Graham every week again. Once again, she's absolutely wonderful. This isn't Lorelei Gilmore, but she still knows her way around a good line and family drama laced with humor. If this is your kind of thing, I recommend it!. My other favorite new shows include Modern Family and The Vampire Diaries. Modern Family is brilliant. This is the first show I've watched with my dad since I was a kid. It's absolutely hilarious with a lot of sweetness. Great cast and great writing. It never fails to brighten my mood and make me laugh several times an episode.

R.I.P. Corey Haim

Former 80s teen idol Corey Haim has died from an accidental overdose. He was 38 years old. As an 80s kid, I grew up when Corey was a big teen star. "The Lost Boys" and "License To Drive" were big 80s movies for me. I was always a bit embarrased to admit that after seeing the former(battling cool vampires) and the latter(A late night adventure/date with a hot Heather Graham) that I wanted to be him in the 80s. Lol. I know, I know. He was also in a great coming of age dramady called "Lucas". Rest In peace, Corey....

Seriously, People Are Crazy!!

My first blog of 2010!. :) So, who is crazy and why am I angry?. My one niece is a CNA at a retirement center. This place is a behemoth. Anyways, she has a fellow co-worker who she overheard the other day berating the elderly folks in the cafeteria. She was yelling, screaming, and cussing at them. Verbally abusing the residents!!!. Naturally, my niece reported her. I later found out that a relative was also there and reported this woman. So, my niece sees this co-worker walking towards her down a hall. She must of been called to the boss' office and got in serious trouble. This lady comes up and body slams my niece against the wall. She was sent to the doctor who said she had a pretty bad sprain on her right side and in her shoulder. He gave her some medicine and wanted to take perfect care for her. My niece was born was multiple scoliosis. Her spine was curved. She had to wear a cast since she was born, and had to wear a cast for a full year once. Once she was old enough, she had surgery and had a metal rod put in her back. So, the doctor was concerned that she was okay in that respect. But she was hurting. And we were all enraged. We've come to find out that this crazy lady was telling people at work that she was going to kick the **** out of my niece. Now, this lady is supposedly a big woman. My niece is 4'9. A tiny blonde with dimples who people think is 14-15. She's 20. She went to get a restraining order, but the cops said it's too early to get one because this lady hadn't caused enough bodily damage!!. Can you believe that?!. They told her to get pepper spray!. Anyways, this lady was coming in today and they were firing her. She is not allowed on or anywhere near the campus. We are telling my niece to press charges for physical assault, but she doesn't seem to being that. Again....people are crazy!!

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year's to everybody. I hope you all have fun in the celebration and may 2010 be a great year for all of you. As for myself, New Year's has pretty much become just another day to me. No plans. I haven't seen midnight on New Year's Eve since I was a kid and my dad would make me pound a pot with a big spoon. We were the only ones on the block doing anything and it was so annoyingly loud. I was always embarrased. I hated it. Lol. I am looking at 2010 as a new start to posting on here more. I am also hoping 2010 brings a better year to, but I am not holding my breath. Not as many people as there used to be. I have shied away from doing a lot of lists and countdowns like I used to do because GameSpot(where I can post my blogs at) usually has everything all bunched together with no spaces. So annoying. Lol.

Merry Christmas!!!

Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone out there. Hope you all have a great time celebrating and doing whatever it is you do. :) We have a dinner tonight and usually open gifts then, and then a bigger family dinner tomorrow on Christmas Day. I wished we had snow, but there isn't a drop of it anywhere. Kind of weird. Not the same without snow. I guess the white stuff decided to spend Christmas back east this year. Any of you dealing with it?. Merry Christmas :)