As the above says, please recommend it!
As the above says, please recommend it!
all of the requests i have gotten i will do tonight. if you have requested something then please remind me here. the ones i know i am making something for is:
vt-man - blog header with zero and the chain whip on it
hamster_dragon - a tag with lololo and lalala on it
_Nick_ - a banner for the union, i think it is supposed to have sephiroth, a megaman picture, and a zelda picture on it. if you wanted more please remind me.
_Mana_ - similar banner and header
WHRLWND - a banner
that is all i remember, though i think i was supposed to make something for a few others. if you are one of those others please remind me what i should be making.
As all of you should know, the legend of zelda is one of the best game series of all time. I dont care if you like or hate nintendo, but there is no denying the fact that Zelda has been one of the best RPG's made in the history of the video gaming world. I am going to give everyone a brief history on this wonderful and legendary series. To do this i will post many links to pages that can give you more information on each part of the subject. I would also like those who read this to give their comments on what they read.
first of all, the series contains many different things concerning the world of zelda. One of the favorite things that many zelda fans like to do (other than playing the games) is to try and come up with the timeline. Since no'one other than those who make the games know the exact order of events, i will not talk much about it. one of the most talked about timelines recently is the one that is shown in the legend of zelda retrospective part six.
The first game was released in the US in 1987. It was quite advanced for its time. The ability to use dozens of different items, a vast world full of secrets to explore, and the cartridge's ability to save progress gave hint that the game was not able to be beaten quickly, and that it would require much effort. The game also features a Second Quest in which the dungeons are revised similar to OOT Master Quest. The game was considered as one of the most important video games ever made.
The second game (Zelda 2 the adventure of link) was released in July 1988. The game featured a side-scrolling perspective and experience points, this was not taken very lightly by many of the first games fans. It is also one of the few in which link doesn't collect Rupees (the games currency).
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past came next in the series. This game was the first zelda game to introduce the Dark World, or Golden Land. The game was released in April of 1992. It was later re-released for the GBA along with the first multiplayer Zelda game (four swords).
The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening was the first to be released on a handheld system. It was also the first to take place outside of Hyrule.
The Ocarina Of Time was the first 3D zelda game. It was released in December 1998. It is considered to be the best video game ever made by many critics. On of the innovations made in the now 3d game is the use of lock-on targeting.
Majora's Mask was the next instalment in the series. The game added a novel time-based concept (in the form of a time limit), Link could use masks to transform into different creatures with different skills. It also takes place in the land of Termina, not Hyrule.
The next two games were the Oracles. The games were able to be combined to form a single extended story. The games were originally intended to be a trilogy. When the password system linking three games proved too troublesome, the concept was reduced to just two titles. Ages was more puzzle-oriented, while Seasons was more action-oriented.
The Wind Waker came next in the series. It had cell-shaded graphics, unlike other zelda titles. It features gameplay centered on controlling wind.
Next in the series came Four Swords Adventures. The game contains 24 individual stages. Each player is required to use a Game Boy Advance system linked to the Nintendo GameCube in order to play multiplayer.
The Minish Cap is the next instalment in the series. Link was able to shrink in size by the power of a hat named Ezlo. Link is able to switch from big to small at various portals scattered through the land.
The newest installment is the Twilight Princess. I will not give any info on this to prevent spoilers this early in the games life. What i will tell you is that link is able to become a wolf and is aided through his quest by Midna.
Hyrule is where many of the Zelda games take place. It is links homeland and has many different races including the Gorons and the Zora's. For more info go to this link: Hyrule
The Triforce
The Triforce is in most of the Zelda games. It has many names (such as the Golden Power). It was created after the three goddesses (Farore, Nayru, and Din) created the earth, It was left at the point the goddesses exited from. The triforce gives the one who touches it anything he/she desires and reflexes the users heart. There are three pieces of the Triforce. The top part is power, the bottom right is Courage, and the bottom left is Wisdom. For more info go here: Triforce
The Triforce Trilogy
There are many different things this was/could have been. It was lastly going to be the oracle games, along with the nonreleased Mystical Seed of courage. This did not become a reality though because of the problems with a threeway linking password system. The game was later said to become the Minish Cap, but it hasnt been confirmed. For more info on the trilogy go here: Trilogy
This concludes my recounting on the history of zelda. I did not go into too much detail due to the large amount of typing and info it would require. Most of this came from my memory, but some of it (such as the dates) was taken from the links to I hope you enjoyed my recounting of this legendary game!
I was bored at school today so i decided to go to to see if i could find something to do in my designs. Then i noticed that the site had its own imagehosting site called SO i got a profile in it.
I have always used photobucket but i think it is time for me to test them out and see which one is the best. I am also thinking of getting one at Imageshack as well.
On another account i am going to restart all of my zelda games and beat them all again. I own every one so there are alot of games to beat.
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