@sakaixx: In Skyward Sword, that guy that proceeded Ganon pretty much put a curse on Link and Zelda that as long as they and any reincarnation/descendants of them were around, he would return. And that's why they're always stuck fighting him. The day he doesn't come back is the day there is no Link or Zelda.
So according to this, the orcs were better than the humans, and their scenes were better. As if anyone who plays WoW doesn't already know of Blizzard's Horde preference. /snarkiness
Still, looking forward to this coming out on DVD so I can watch it later.
Glitches may be funny the first few times, but after that, they start to get annoying, especially if they impede you in some way. Plus it's not just glitches, it could be simple little errors in coding that, say, forgot to label someone as a trainer like they were supposed to, or so on and so forth. Read the list, if you feel like it, some of the things fixed you might not have ever noticed, because games are funny like that, not everyone has the same experience, especially on PC, but others have.
@RSM-HQ: You're forgetting the Elder Scrolls classics, the Unofficial Patches that fix as many of the bugs that Bethesda left in as they can. By far the most useful mods.
I'd rather wait, especially with the talk about the "Xbox 1.5" going on. If there's a newer, better model, I might as well get that instead. Not that I'm going to either, my gaming budget is... well.. empty right now, but still.
I can only see this happening on the day unlimited internet is available to all. And considering the way internet providers work, that'll never happen any time in the relatively near future.
4000 homes is a pretty pathetic number for this kind of survey. I'm pretty sure there are well over 4000 homes in the region I live in alone, much less, oh, you know, all the bloody country.
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