I'll admit, I didn't even know this was a thing. Either I need to pay more attention to gaming sites (not likely to happen, admittedly,) or things need to be advertised better.
I've heard quite a few people talk about Jet Set Radio, but as I never had a Dreamcast myself, I never got a chance to play it.
And hey, the games are free! So it doesn't matter what crappy review you game them, Gamestop, I've already got my money's worth. To this day, I'm still not sure I got the $5 worth of entertainment I paid for Sonic '06...
@mikemurphy80: "When was it ever a "PC Problem"? It is and always has been lazy developers who couldn't be bothered to do their jobs right the first time. And their reputations rightfully suffer for it."
It's simply become more noticed as so many games are ported around through multiple consoles. When you're trying to take something from a static hardware platform to a flexible hardware platform, problems pop up quite frequently, and perhaps more than they should.
"Why? Its their choice to pre-order in the first place. If they don't want to beta test for these types of things then they should stop pre-ordering or buying day one."
Is that not what Steam Early Access is for these days? For people to buy in and beta test? A game released without something similar is supposed to be finished. At least, that's our expectation. After all, you don't go to the movie theaters and expect a half-finished movie, pre-CGI or still showing the green screen, or grab a book off the shelf and find the editor's notes in the pages showing spots that need to be changed, do you? A product, by rightful expectation, should be a finished product by the time it's put on the official market.
Surprise, surprise. Another PC port is broken on Day One. Though it's not necessarily a PC problem these days, plenty of games on Day One are broken, sometimes beyond playability.
I do feel sorry for people who pre-order or buy things so early in its cycle. Always best to wait a couple of weeks or months for the initial patches.
That said, do wait anyone who's bought it and never played before, it is a great game. I've owned the GC version and beaten it so many times, and just now got the PS3 version, which I am enjoying and looking forward to seeing the additions brought into the game in the PS2 version.
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