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Battlehead90 Blog

Pearl Habor

Today is the 65th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, lets all take a moment of silence for the ones that died defending our country.

9/11 Never Forget

This topic is in honor for all of those that died this day, 5 years ago and those that want in to rescue them. Feel free to post your 9/11 stories or thoughts in this blog.

My Summer Job is done!

Well, my Summer job is done with, it was only for the month of July and I loved it! I was a camp counsler for boys going into 1st grade and it was a blast: kickball, dodgeball, wiffleball, tag, 4-square, many other games! So technically I got paid to play! I met new counslers, a tuner(who I am now good friends with), a hot chick :D, and others. I know I am applying again next year. So how were others peoples summer jobs?

My Grandpa died

Well, today was a horrible day for me my grandpa died he was only 80 yrs. old. I am going to miss him so much, its going to be weird without him.:cry:

I miss you Grandpa!