I don't think so. In my opinion, the graphics in the Uncharted 2 screenshots look better than any 360 game by a good margin. I think the PS3 is a more graphically capable system.
I think it's just a matter of time till the PS3 outsells the 360 and becomes the console king (the Wii doesn't count because that's not really a serious gaming console). When it comes to graphics, PS3 games have caught up or surpassed 360 games. PS3 is getting better exclusives. And the PS3 is a much more feature-packed console. And I think the PS3 will have a much longer lifespan than the 360.
words cannot describe how superior baldurs gate 1 and II are to any rpg ever created by Beth. (Oblivion makers)NEOSPARKING
I disagree. I think Oblivion is 100 times better than Baldurs Gate I and II. IMO, the BG series is unnecessarily complex, difficult, and very boring to play (not counting BG: Dark Alliance series which was very good). Icewind Dale series was just as bad as the BG series. Planescape Torment was very good. NWN was good.
I haven't played NWN 2, Witcher, or Titans Quest yet, but they look really good.
It seems that these days PS3 is getting a slight edge in graphics even when it comes to multiplat games. So will Condemned 2 also look a little better on PS3?
With all the console versions being released these days with different size hard drives, etc. And consoles behaving more and more like PCs with downloadable content, patches, etc. Will consoles eventually become very similar to PCs? Will there eventually start being different CPUs and video cards in different versions of the "same" console? Then will developers have to make games for the lowest common denominator, or for the least powerful version? And will compatibility start becoming an issue?
Basically will console gaming turn into PC gaming?
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