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Bavoke Blog

Killzone: Liberation + new banner

hey ;) hows everybody? as you can see in the title i bought Killzone: Liberation :D

it looks awesome, i played a demo of it and i was directly addicted too it so i decided too buy it :D

i also mad a banner of Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy XIII


please rate it, if it gets enough high scores i'll put it on my profile ;)

and then too finish the anime pics ;) the 2 pics are of "Tasuku Iizuki"

one that gives you a summer feeling :P

and one for the upcoming Cristmas periode :D Santa Claus's favorite dire dear :P

and to keap the girls happy here are some guys from Naruto and Bleach ;)

Bavoke 8)

got some new stuff + Gears of War vid

Hey ;) how's everyone? I'm doing good at the moment and i uploaded a new vid a few days ago. It's a trailer of Gears of War.


and now the stuff that i got.

i got a sweater of Children of Bodom

a T-shirt of Nightwish

and a T-shirt of Resident Evil :twisted:

i also got some spikes wristband and some patches.

that was is :D

and now wtf is going on whit the PS3, people are steeling it all over the US and have you seen those prises on eBay, thats just sick, i just wanna say too the ones who are doing this, GTFO

and then now, the anime pics and espaciale for Psychonaut6 ... Kasumi :D

and another 2 of Magna Carta ;)

Bavoke 8)


My new sig made by TheoKratos

Another crazy Mario vid + Violet

I found another hillarious vid yesterday :P its called Theft Auto + Mario Kart, check it out ;)


And Violet is the new CD from The Birthday Massacre that i bought, its Indusrtial, but pretty soft, not like God Module and stuff. Heres there profile on where you can hear some of there songs.


there's also a link on that page to there MySpace profile and there own site ;)

and here's an anime pic of Mai Shiranui for Karsha2 ;)

Bavoke 8)

Mario - Son of a Peach [EDIT: vid URL + Union problems]

Mario - Son of a Peach* is a vid made whit the graphics and sounds of Mario games on the SNES, a came past it when i was shearching for good pics of Mario and Peach, it's hilarious but also a little sexual so be worned :P you gotta see it ;)


And does anyone has problems whit Unions? i can't see topics or get on the Board of any Union at the moment :(

Bavoke 8)

GAMEPOWER EXPO [ EDIT: whit pics from my friend now ;) ]

Hey ;) I'm back already :D first i shall tell you guys and girls about the Game convension or event whatever you call it.

It's called GAMEPOWER EXPO as you can see, it's the biggest gamr event in Belgium :D not that there are many but still, it's big enough :P at this page you can see what games you could play ;)

Ok, lets see what should i say first, oh i now, the PS3 :D well in the middle of all there was the Playstation spot, It where like this big cilinders and the ones of the PSP and PS2 where open and the one of the PS3 had just a front door (and an exit) whit a huge line of people for it, but it went pretty quick, we waited in line for a little longer than an hour (thats when handhelds come in handy :P), when we finally got in, we first got in a place whit alots of screens and one really big one in the middle, they played the trailers of the games you could play whit enormously loud music (i was i little def when the trailers ended :P) then we came in THE room :D a PS3 where bihind a little window and it where pretty big screens, i played Ressistence: Fall of Man 8) and guess what then happend, they kicked me out of the room 5 minutes later :cry: only 5 minutes :(, well i guess thats whats it's all about, at least i played on it :D

I also played CoD 3 on the XBOX360 (i really sucked on it :P i'm used too play FPS's on a PC, i have some on PS2 but it's just not the same on xbox), Killzone: Liberation was the best on PSP, i played it and i really like it, at first it's really weird how the controls work but after some minutes you get used too it ;), i also played a game on the Wii, don't know the name though :P i wanted too play Zelda but the lines for it where too big, i saw some dudes playing and the grapichs look a little dissepointing but than again a Wii is not for being "THE" best but for just having a lot of fun, i played allot of games too much too al say (and remember :P)

There was also a big HUMMER limo and inside you could play Gears of War, i wanted to go there, but the line was almost as big as the one for the PS3 :? so i thought, i'm not gonna stay there for over an hour (the line was a little smaller as the one for PS3 but it went twice as slow) to just play a game thats already out.

EDIT: here are the best pics ;)

he took a lot more but i can't put 'em here all, otherwise my blog gets too freakin big :P

Thats it for the game event, oh i almost forgot, there was a stand from the Official Playstation Magazine, they gave away free mags, it was an issue whit a poster, i got three mags :P there's a preview for Battlefield: Bad Company in it, it's a Battlefield game espacially for the PS3 and it looks pretty good :) and heres an awesome cartoon from in the mag ;)

i love the Wii part :P

now back to the usuall news, i've got a copy of Call of Duty 2 of a friend and for the moment i'm playing the single player campaign, very nice :D thats one game i didn't hade to pay for :P

I might have noticed that a mod deleted one of my blogs, i think he got really pist when he saw the "kiss my ass" thing whit the pi :lol:

Well, i think i've said all, so where moving too the anime pics :D and espacially for Karsha2, some pics of Burst Angel ;)

that was it for this blog, i know it's a very big one so thanx for reading it all ;)

P.S. diamond07: you asked in my last blog what where some good songs from the new Evanescence cd, i like "Sweet Sacrifice" and "Lithium" the most ;) sorry for answering so late ;)

Bavoke 8)

quick update

i wanted to make a big blog but i have no tme at the moment, i st tell ya that i'm going to a game convension this saturday so i won't be on then, i tell you all when i get back ;)

Bavoke 8)

I'm back!!! and i bought some new stuff

the most of probably didn't even knew that i was away bc i added it too my blog a little late, but i'm back now so i doesn't matter :P

i wen't on a weekend trip, it was fun, iain't gonna say more about it cous i got a new game to play :D

i bought Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, i got the first to: Dawn of War and Dawn of War: Winter Assault so it'll be awesome :D

i also bought "My HiME vol. 1" :D, it are the first 4 episodes of the series and there are some hot chicks in it 8) :P i'll post some pics in he pic part ;)

and i kept the best for the last ...  I GOT THE NW CD OF Evanescence :D WOHOOOO, it's called "The Open Doors" and it ownes, i'm listening too it right now and it's amazingly good, if your a fan or you like gothic music you gotta buy this CD ;)

and now it's time for pics :D

first a little screenshot of the day from Dawn of War and Borat ownage :P

next, some anime pics of My HiME ;)

that was it :D cya all ;)

Bavoke 8) has deleted my last blog

i firstthought it was i glitch or something but then i saw this pm send me and this is what they said

You have been found to have violated the terms of service.

Reason for moderation: Illegal Activities -- e.g. Begging and/or Providing ROM/Warez/MP3/Cracks/etc
Action Taken: Delete Msg - No points were lost for this moderation.

i first was like WTF??? WHAT DID I DO??? :?i still dont understand thoug but i think it was something in m last blog so thats why they'v deleted it :(

if anybody knows what i did wrong please tell me (and they didnt even said anything about the pics :P)

Bavoke 8)

things i bought this week and some other news + EDIT

As you can see, i bought the DVD of Nightwish - End Of An Era too :D, i have only saw the 3 first songs of it but i really liked it untill then :D if your a fan of Nightwish and you havent bought the CD yet you should get the combination pack of the 2CD's and the DVD its realy good ;)

I also bought the second Underworld movie: Underworld Evolution :D i realy liked the first one so when i saw the second one in a store i bought it imidiatly :P i havent seen it yet so i cant tell you if its a good one but itll probably be ;)

in other news i went to a surprice birthday party of a friend last night and it was really fun, it started at 7 pm, there warent a lot people then but it was to early to start the party anyway, so an half an hour later there where some more people and then the party started. at 11pm i went into town whit some people, some others where coming later, so we went to a café, two girls of the party came and they where already drunk and they kept on drinking, they went really crazy, i was lauphing like hell when they where trying to give one of my friends a hickey in his neck anyway i left t 1am whit some of the guys, it was really fun :D ;)

and now some news for my friends who like Harhammer 40k adn art: i posted some scans of my Warhammer 40k art book called "The art of Warhammer 40,000". i've posted them on the board of The Miniatures Wargaming Union, here are the pics ;)

i also found some game info:

first theres a game called "Warhammer WarCry: Battle for Atluma" you can find some more info about it here

also one of my friends send me this link an hour ago, there are some ingame and art pics of "Devil May Cry 4" (PS3)

and then we got to the anime pics again :D from now on im gonna post pics by series ;) and the series of this blog is "3LDK" ;)

EDIT: i saw Underworld Evolution yesterday :D it was pretty good, i liked the first movie more. there also was like 10 times more blood and bloody fighting in this one :twisted: :P i give the movie 7,5/10 ;)

Bavoke 8)

Satanic cat vid and other news

[video=K3VhnjP75bsLvzTe] :lol: crazy cat :P

in other news im still at level 20 :( but im on 74.86% now so i must be at level 21 in 2-3 weeks :D ................... still to freakin lng :cry:

i also started an other game of God of War last night on "God mode" (very hard) :D i played for 3 hours and im now in Pandora's Temple at the second save pont in the The Rings of Pandora and i think im gonna enter the The Challenge of Atlas next :D

and some great news or Psychonaut6 and FPS_ADDICTED: the girl whit the red hair in one of my other blogs is from the series To Heart 2 and her name is Tamaki Kousaka :D theres some info and pics of her on this page, check it out ;)

and heres a new anime pic + a poem from Chobits ;)

Bavoke 8)