Actually not a bad price...with all of the DLC included, that's less than what I paid originally. Whether you like FFXIII-2 or not, that's a pretty sweet deal.
@DVONvX Actually, I think the DLC costumes sold better than the actual story episodes. I know I bought all of Serah's and Noel's AC outfit, simply for...what word is it...aesthetics?
@Abanaa You do realize she starts out in a completely different outfit when her memory was wiped out? Then she changes into a different set so she doesn't look like a prisoner.
@erMonezza @sweatmonicaIdo And you're certain this guy hasn't looked at videos? Why would you assume they're basing it off of graphics when they've only posted one comment...
@eesounds You're annoyed that this game is being featured in gaming sites because it's "overrated?"
You stupid that sounds, especially when the game hasn't even been RELEASED yet? If anything, it seems to be underrated. People are bashing it for being published by Capcom, how it's a rip-off of Batman: Arkham City, yada yada yada...if anything, this game should get more attention. I'm tired of hearing an analysis on every single news byte about next-gen consoles. I'd rather read some interesting development bits from a game.
All in all, wait to play the game. Otherwise you just sound like a stuck-up snob who doesn't even wait to play the game before writing it off.
The gameplay's complexity via the Combo Lab looks tight, the graphics are amazing (imagining on PC... O.O) and the idea of a 1984...100 years in the future with memories running amuck just sounds awesome. Day-one buy for me, need to go pre-order...
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