I'm glad Journey beat most of the games unworthy (IMO) of GOTY, but I still firmly stand on my opinion that The Walking Dead should have won GOTY. So much emotion was put into TWD that touched me more than any pretty music or graphics in Journey ever could.
@FallenOneX Disagree. I can never understand its hate given that it's probably one of the better series in Final Fantasy. It changed the formula and brought new things to the table. Without it, Final Fantasy would be coated in rust if they'd stuck with the same-old, same-old.
What Spelunky does for platformers? What The Walking Dead has done to gaming in general is going to be seen in the years to come. Its success hasn't gone unnoticed, and developers are going to be paying a lot more attention to the depth of their characters and put more emotion into the story. Spelunky hardly introduced anything new; it refined what was already established and made it into a fun game. That doesn't make it a great game. How you choose Spelunky over TWD is beyond me.
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