If you dont want to see the new revamped Hulk and his Nemesis the Abomination well if you reading then you can prolly see the pics any way so sorry for that. More pics at IGN.com
If you dont want to see the new revamped Hulk and his Nemesis the Abomination well if you reading then you can prolly see the pics any way so sorry for that. More pics at IGN.com
Just saw it saturday night and i gotta say, It was freakin awesome. arite ive heard so many mixed reviews about but the one thing that i hear alot of gripes about was the camera and that it was too shay and it made people kina sick. also the camera ****was always compared to the blair witch project but i think its 100 times better. i personally liked the ****cause it made you relate to the characters and all the ish goin down around them. and now to the monster!! the monster looks freakin sick. yes you get to see the monster in its full fledged glory. all i gotta say is that is that its a unique design and it looks sick especially towards the end. I honestly dont care if you hated it but come on i thought it was really really good. GO SEE IT!!!
yeah i got one of those for the icon that i was using. if you missed out on seeing my icon, it was an avatar of a girl jogging in slow motion and she had giant juggs and thats about it. its from the movie click if you've seen that movie. anyway yeah they thought it was offensive enoughto be taken off gamespot. if youread my previous blogi talk about and how there are people out there who would find it offensive and sooner or later it would get taken off. well, i called it. anyway yeah it sux cause i loved that icon damn!!!
*I just put up a new video on my page. If your a big Shannyn Sossamon fan then you should definatley check it out. Hey even if your not still go check it out cause its a really good video.
just saw it this week and i freakin loved it. it was good way to end the trilogy but i wish mat damon would come back and makes some Bourne movies but if he doesnt i dont care i like it anyway. so go see it.
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