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Heroes is Freakin Awesome!!!

If you havent seen the show Heroes on NBC then your life is meaningless. Well i wouldnt go that far but it is a great show. Normal people with super powers. Dont confuse this with like smallvile cause this isnt a teen drama. The story is very compelling and the characters are very well created (I like the japanes dude who can bend the space and time). You have no idead how much this show rocks. if you havent checked it out yet, check it next monday at 9. "I give it a 4.5 out of 5."

I went from Lvl. 15 to Lvl. 17?!

two days ago I was lvl 15 99% yesterday i was lvl 16 35% and then i just checked it right now and im lvl 17 .23%. has everyone experienced this or is it just me? this is sick ive been on for three day and i've jumped two levels. "freakin sweet"

Jet Li's Fearless

I seriously cant wait until this movie comes out!!! I'm a big Kung-Fu fanatic and Jet Li has made many good movies. Its too bad that this is his final martial arts epic movie. If this is just like Hero then im going to enjoy this movie without a doubt.

Homesick... or Diaria

im feeling so under the weather right now. I dont whether im homesick or i ate something bad at this block party this afternoon. As your reading people are whizzing by my dorm goin out to party. F**k i seriously want to go out but theres something in me that doesn't want to go. A couple of minutes ago a couple of my nieghbors invited me to there dorm to drink. Just a couple of steps from my room. I seriously want to get wasted and have fun hangin out with my boys. Anyway...

I can't wait till they show devil may cry 4 stuff at TGS. i've been waiting and tommorows the day that they might post something on the website. I also cant wait for the freakin PS3 to come out. Im getting playing the same thing over and over agian. It sucks cause i live in a town that theres nothin fun to do. Theres a best buy but its off the highway and i dont have a car yet. well not yet i might be getting one before christmas but i doubt it so much.

I hope everyone elses school year is going off fine. Mine went sick until right now but its only been a week and i know that things will get funne, faster and harder.

First night... College party!

It's been my second day in college and all i've done is party and party. The people from our dorm were setting up this party and basically no one came to it. Everyone was going to one of the four parties goin on during the get together. I met this dude that lives right next to me and we went to this party with a ton of hot lookin ladies. We drank a crap load and we smoked until we forgot the words to Purole Haze. It has been the best first night ever. My room mate's cool too. i saw him at some of the parties and he's got some cool friends. A suggestion finish high school and go to college. Its sick.

Damn nothings happening!

My vacation is more then half way finished and  i haven't done anythin fun. Well i've been hanging out with my my buddies but we havent done anything exciting. I went to see Miami Vice the other the day and i have to say that it was quite good. The only character that i didnt really like was that freakin chinese who had a ver heavy accent but spoke better spanish then English. She had to be the worst acter on the movie. I didnt really like the relationship between Collin Ferrel's character and that asian chick. What was sick about the movie was Jami Foxx. Damn he took down two freakin red necks in a blink of an eye and when one of the guys was crawlin on the floor bleeding to death he shot him in the head. Yeah but anyway i havent dont anything special. But when school starts everythings going to change. College is goin to be sick. But yeh i know im not the only one out there with this freakin problem. So how does everyon else pass the time? well yeh thats all i have to say right now. Go see Miami Vice, its a good movie

St. Anger Rocks!!!

I just picked up Metallica's album St. Anger and i have to say that it's quite good. It's not like the other metallica albums. It's faster and more heavy. It's probably like that cause there pissed of with each other and thats probably why they made documentary about all the problems the band has. But any way back to the album it's really good and if you feel like just rockin out and braking **ish this is the album. Also the guitar parts are so easy to play that you can basically guess the notes. But the tuning is Whole step down but and drop C tuning. The was only thing i had problems playinng was the tuning. Thats for all you guitar players out there. It's good sone pick it up of steal from Bearshare or whatver

Nothin but S**t!

Im bored as you can tell from my title. I on the computer on a perfect saturday afternoon. I should outside hangin with my buddies but im stuck in this prison you call a house. I recently just turned 18 and i want to go to strip clubs and stay out all night long but no i'm stuck inside watching a marathon of the contender on ESPN. its good but it kind of gets boring after the third you watch an episode. Tell me Does anyone else have it bad? Seriously i cant wait until i go to college in the fall cause i get to leave home, make new friends, and go lady fishin. Oh yeh i still have to some work but come one who goes to college and doesn't go party a couple nights. Damn now im all excited but nothin to take out on. Well if you've finished reading this sorry excues of a blog i tip my hat to you:)