Used to love to cheat, now it seems to downplay the game. It's like, yeah I could enjoy myself working for something, but it's hard to enjoy if you know that you could totally put in a code and not have to do any repetative tasks. But there is a certain joy in doing those tasks, but only if they are worth doing.
Beef_Noodles' forum posts
Used to play on easy alot, now I choose normal. Always bad to choose easy and just find out that you are breezing through the game.
Might as well try with this one. Seems like it was an rpg on the snes (most likely snes) or genesis, and your a boy or young guy and a dog follows you around at least at one point, seems like it takes place in a modern world, or maybe fantasy. I havn't played this in a very very long time, I might not even recognize it if I saw it, just curious if there is a game like that.
Easy, when Banjo Kazooie: Nuts @ Bolts was in production it was commonly referred to as Banjo Threeie, and I fully expected it to bring back the legendary plateforming of one of my favorite game series, but nope, ended up being some completely different game. It also made me choose the Wii over the xbox 360.
And like a few people have mentioned, the shenmue series was never finished, the story was legendary for us dreamcast lovers. I will glady replay the first two games to the bone if I heard a third one was coming out.
I would say the end of the traditional resident evil games, but resident evil 4 was so good, that it's hard to say that ruined it. Even if resident evil 4 is good, it wasn't really a resident evil game for me as I knew them.
Two games I thought would have loyal sequels, but they ended up being something else, which upset me.
Conkers bad fur day, Banjo Tooie
They also need to make a sequel to shenmue II, it's only fair.
I know I'm talking about two series here, but sequels to these games were implyed quite heavily in game.
And my other favorite games besides banjo kazooie, skies of arcadia and space station silicon valley both need sequels.
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