Beerbongsavage's forum posts
They've already talked about embracing blue-ray. Which is going to be another $200 add-on for 360 owners. .ghaleon0721:roll:
MS would never embrace Blueray they have already invested to much into HDDVDs and i doubt they would give into Sony's format with out an all out fight 300(the movie) status . The HD player is already a 200 add-on, they have already exclusive partnerships with movie studios that stricktly support HDDVD's NOT Blueray.
People complain about the 360s lack of features but then they complain about the ps3's cost. More Features = Higher cost its not that hard to understand is it......:question:
It is very safe to buy a 360 at this point a lot of the problems have been worked out but if you can afford it go with both the ps3 and the 360.If not then get the 360 it is going to be around for this generation with some amazing games.
They released the elite to win the downloadable content war, with a bigger hard drive and hdmi that can only equal more HD goodness. On their website they stated it will support resolution up to 1080P (ps3 territory) so they are gunning for the ps3 with the elite not trying to make the normal 360s obsolete.
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