[QUOTE="Ben-X"][QUOTE="SupaPeachyMike"][QUOTE="whybuyaxbox360"][QUOTE="Ben-X"][QUOTE="whybuyaxbox360"][QUOTE="shotgunjunkie"][QUOTE="whybuyaxbox360"][QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"][QUOTE="whybuyaxbox360"][QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"][QUOTE="H4xlike"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]The 360 has more original ideas while the PS3 has more redone ideas.Give me an example of how there redefining the rpg?The most complex use of dialogue in a game EVER. Branching of the dialogue will effect the outcome of the game, hence MASS EFFECT. It's the most massive RPG in sheer scope as well. :lol: :lol: :lol THE INNOVATION :lol: :lol: Lol. I'm sorry, I though RPG were supposed to be about ROLE PLAYING, and decision making. But you wouldn't know about that playing JRPG's though. thats fair enogh...but here let me show you a REAL NEXT GEN RPG.
Mass Effect being a huge example. Bioware, once again resetting the RPG standards.
"a glimpse at next-generation role-playing"
have fun talking :lol: :P
Because the Xbox 360 dosen't have any "real next gen rpg's."
Every time I see it, Mass Effect comes more and more into focus. It's a cumulative force of RPG knowledge, honed, sculpted and built upon next-generation technology. And it's just itching to usher in this next generation in a totally new way.
Mass Effect is easily one of the best-looking and most promising games of X06. In fact, it's easy to say now that Mass Effect is one of the most impressive looking next-gen games on the planet. It's that far ahead of everything else.
This game is large and as deep as it is ambitious, folks. It's one of Microsoft's big guns for a reason.
so it looks good? thats ur response to "what REAL NEXT GEN RPGS should PLAY like"
hmmmm......yea WK > MAASSS EFFECT,yes i said it...and unlike mass effect,at least WK is EXCLUSIVE.....so i can still get that PC version of ME :P
Mass Effect is exclusive :?
it was confirmed to come to PC :? where have u been? there was like a million threads about it. I see no GS gamespace, just like I see no link....
and i see on the Mass Effect forums the game devs sayng (yes they have them on those boards) " There will be no pc version of Mass Effect. We are dedicated in bringing this game to the 360 followed by its sequels"
just like oblivion? "no ps3 version" in all seriousness i mnot lying there qwas massive threads about this,if it has been debunked since then i dunno,but last i herd it was coming to PC :? why would i make up such a thing? would be kinda lame
Bethesada released the pc and 360 versions of oblivion simultaneously. they wer eboth originaslly planned, they never denied it
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