So the single player is pretty boring. There is much praise for the multiplayer which is interesting. Multiplayer is where you find great emphasis on replay value.
I think people underestimate Indie games. They tend to be fun with solid gameplay and sometimes good for a few laughs. This is an excellent area and alternative because they are less expensive and tend to be more kid friendly. This way, we don't have tons of AAA studios pressed to fill the gap and releasing substandard material and wasting millions of dollars due to a failed project. Quality in terms of a gaming experience is what should matter most and this is a good way to address what happened earlier this gen where so many studios were closing due to blowing their budget on graphics with poor gameplay.
@AzatiS I think the major let down is on SONY's side in regards to profit. Yes, the first 2 years were "rough" as an owner (I had no complaints, but I'm just one guy), but once their first party games started rolling, you can see how good a console it really is.
I think the PS4 will have better balance as far as price and power at a reasonable price. Best thing is the better games will come earlier this time around.
@jenovaschilld I don't think identifying facts is a skill only reserved for experts. The numbers are there, and a lot of what you say is true. SONY has had this internal dilemma for a long time. I don't know for sure if selling will be good, but separating the gaming division from all the rest would be a smart move. It speaks volumes when an established brand like SONY is surpassed by Samsung.
@slowram What I absolutely hate about the few MMO's I've played is no true sense of progression in a story. That needs to evolve to make MMO's more desirable.
These guys absolutely REFUSE to remove their Asshats.
Noone was really objecting to digital sales. It was the objection to not being able to do as you please with the physical media. That was a clear violation of the Right of First Sale Doctrine. In addition to that, people were offended by the notion of being treated like a thief despite paying full price for an authentic product. The 24 hour check in was a disgrace and everyone knows it.
The fate of Don Mattrick is exactly what is wrong with American economics, particularly big corporations. Top figures apply horrid policies that end up costing investors, get tons of people fired, and they get rewarded millions of dollars for such abysmal policies.
Benny_Blakk's comments