@TiberiusJones @Benny_Blakk Cool! BTW, I'm willing to bet that Dark Souls III (if that's what they will call it) on PS4 will be one of the top games next gen.
@Sorciere_basic @Benny_Blakk I agree to an extent. But in Dark Souls, there were areas where a necessary item was needed. Like in New Londo for instance. Or there would be something locked, liked the gate entrance to Sen's Fortress. In Demon's Souls, the enemies were just very strong. But you could progress if you patiently and cautiously approached the level.
@TiberiusJones Don't give up just yet, mate. There is a way to ease the burden of its difficulty: summon an ally (or two) to help you! The summoning system requires a bit of understanding and planning, but it is real cool.
Gotta love how the writer of this article continuously cites Dark Souls as a predecessor and at no point mentions Demon's Souls. Not even to mention how DS II goes back to Demon's Souls in the sense of selecting where you would like to travel on your own as opposed to having a sense of being "pushed" in the right direction.
@cowkiller321 @Benny_Blakk @obsequies Bacteria spread primarily through surface contact. Air bound is the smallest percentage of infectious bacterial transmission (Recall that you are refering to the most abundant type of organism on the planet)
I have toilets that have better control of water, which should be the new standard. Not only that, but I think you're refering to the seat cover and not the seat itself.
We tend to identify with characters that are similar to ourselves. There was an article discussing whether people chose Male vs Female Shepard in Mass Effect 3. Approximately 85% chose male, and I'm guessing over 90% who did so were male. (Ironically, of the remaining 15%, a good portion of that were male players chosing to play female.) It is not just in gaming, but many forms of media, we will instictively relate to a character that is the closest to what we are in reality. While I may not know the exact figure, it is a safe bet that in North America (for example) the majority of game designers/producers, etc are straight white males. The only area I think they are at "fault" is not taking into consideration that planet Earth has a far more diverse population than just straight white men. Now they can take the pig-headed approach, or try to cater to their fanbase. Time will tell.
The character creation is the best solution and I personally prefer games that allow you to do so. That is where most of my gaming goes these days.
I will say for the record that Samus, Lara Croft, Jill Valentine, Morigan and basically any female X-Man are iconic and have serious male fanbases. (In case of the X-Men, I do recognize and identify the depiction of the characters as being sexual at times, but still iconic all the same).
@Pulfasonic The soldier class is way too dull in my book. I've only watched my bro play with that class. In ME2, my first playthrough was as a Tech specialist. But after that, I've been strictly a Biotic specialist (Adept). The powers are devastating! Hit ting an enemy with Singularity and follow up with Heavy or Unstable Warp almost made the game too easy. lol
Let's say EA goes exclusive Nextbox. Then that means Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Madden won't be on PS4. Well, Dark Souls is my favorite RPG and I believe 2K studios has the right to produce NFL content again in the near future.
EA's nickel n diming was unprecedented. Pair that with MS charging for XBL and that's a major money grab move all the way.
Benny_Blakk's comments