@getownedbytch82 Insomniac and Sucker Punch have worked very closely together on previous games. I'd not be one bit surprised if Sucker Punch handed over some animations to Insomniac as a jump-off point for Sunset Overdrive.
After having played the game all weekend and hitting level 20.
A 6 sure feels kinda generous. Maybe a 5 would be more accurate.
Whatever score imparts the idea that you shouldn't waste your money on it until it's in the bargain bin, and even then.. just maybe think about it a little more. That's the appropriate score.
@McGregor The tricky thing about Destiny is that the stuff about it that is good... is GREAT. But where it is lacking, it is lacking really really badly. They didn't just drop the ball on the bad stuff. They shot the ball out of a punkin chunkin cannon then packed up and left before it landed. It's shocking how much stuff in this game is just flat out terrible, and you tend to trip over it while having a wildly awesome time shooting stuff in the face. It's incredibly bizarre. I don't think I've ever played a game where this wide gap in quality exists.
@naasum Destiny isn't an MMO. No amount of stating it over and over is going to change it into one.
Regardless, many MMO's do not have the grinding problem that Destiny does. All Destiny needed to do differently is add about a dozen different "dungeons" with a much wider variety of enemies and encounters and they would have been golden. Instead, we get dull bullet sponges for days...
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