Completionist most of the time, and the other three modes "It depends on the game and my situation".... I'm still playing "Breath of fire 4" "Radiata Stories" "Final fantasy series" to make it 100% complete and also Oblivion, Skyrim with all expansions and also Farcry 2 which makes me 99% Completionist. But I do have a social life, I love to spend time with my friends and family but gaming is my core field and my secondary life.
May Be I've guessed it wrong for Borderlands 2, and I wish they make halo 4 for pc so that I would probably know why it feels better than other shooters in the race. :)
Perfect..... This reminds me of my Childhood(well actually I'm still playing some even now on my console and I love it). Put this on a rom, I'll play it on my 16 bit console.
Bhargav_pvs' comments