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BiTTeR_IvY Blog

Oh Noes!

Help! I've fallen into World of Warcraft and I can't get up! Just kidding... I think. :) Been way too long since I updated this thing. I put together a blog for all my screenies and other fun stuff on tumblr. It can be found here,

Update at last

Ah yes. I finally got my head out of my... well nevermind that. I've been doing some questing, achievements and more leveling. At this point you ask, what class do you not have to 80? I'd have to say just 4. Rogue, druid, shammy and warrior. My latest 80 blitz has been my mage. She's an arcane crazy thing who is now the proud owner of Quel'Delar, Lens of the Mind. Yep, I finally won a roll for the damn Battered Hilt. GG! I quickly handed it over to my sweet little mage and off she went on a big adventure. Okay, the questline wasn't really big, but it sure was fun. :D Cool pics here

I've been working slowly on my shammy all this time. She's finally hit level 61 as of yesterday. My warrior is still sitting at level 71, poor thing. Both the druid and rogue are unhappy at level 35. I can't dual spec them until level 40, but at least it's cheaper now. Stupid Blizz and changing prices on stuff. I bought Master Flight (310% speed) for 5k gold on both my pally (mining) and my lock (herbalism), only to find out they lowered the price to 4k. Dammit, I want 2k gold back you bastards.

Every one of my 80s has a 5k gs at this point. My hunter has been madly searching this whole last week for Loque'Nahak and King Krush. UGH. A stupid nelf hunter just beat me to LN the other day. I'd love to know when the dumb thing is going to respawn. It didn't take me this long to get Gondria. :( More QQ later.

Another 80 and another on the way..

I got my 4th level 80 on World of Warcraft this last weekend. My hunter, Valisharen, is now happy to be 80 and waiting to be geared up. Honestly I haven't even finished gearing up my death knight. His gearscore is sitting at 4.7k. I'm also working on my warlock, Nakki, she is now level 71 and making her way slowly, but surely to level 80. My shaman, Ekuni, is level 42 and dual wielding maces. My mage, Semiazas, was race changed to a troll and is now level 37. I still haven't touched my warrior, Detheria, other than to change her spec AGAIN, to fury. I'll level her when Nakki runs outta rested. My rogue, Darkeena, is still level 26. And my druid, Iyrui, is still level 31. Those will probably be the last toons I level to 80, if I ever level them to 80.

Level 80!

Oh yeah! I got my death knight to 80 tonight. :D Nalvizakhan on Khaz Modan. Very happy now. He's my 3rd 80. I'll be working on getting him better gear and on leveling my hunter to 80. She's sitting pretty at 70, so it's not that far now. I'm in the home stretch.

Nalvizakhan at level 80

Perhaps an update is in order

And so I sit here thinking. Not playing WoW, for just a moment in time. I got my second level 80 on Khaz Modan. She is relatively well geared and ready for a killing spree in ICC (if I can ever get there). I'm not exactly happy with my dps with her, but I am doing more research to find out what is wrong with my rotation, I'm assuming it's my rotation. Oh, by the way, it's my shadow priest, Ymamae. My favorite place to achieve high dps has become heroic Pit of Saron. In the tunnel section, on the route to the last boss, I can peak at 15k. Yes, 15,000 damage per second. OUCH! And that was before my gearscore went up another 150 points. I'm sitting pretty at 4980 gearscore. Doing my randoms everyday to get my frost badges so I can get that cloak and get my 5k gearscore.

My pally is sitting at 5130, and has never done ICC. It's actually kinda sad. But I run with Bitterivy just for badges to get heirloom gear for my other lower level toons. My death knight, Nalvizakhan, will be my next level 80. He's at 73 at the moment, and I'm ready to take him forward and gear him up. I've already made my spreadsheet of the proposed gear. I know. Just a tad "anal retentive". LOL

I'm currently farming Stratholme with Ymamae to get Riverdare's Death Charger. I have it with Bitterivy and I really love the look of it, and the fact that's it's a Feat of Strength. :D I have that speed run down a science. It's amazing just how much damage a shadow priest can do. With Bitter I was able to go into the last room and pull half the room of abominations at once and kill them. I didn't think I'd be able to do that with Ymamae. Boy was I wrong. She kills them twice as fast. I just DOT up the main one and then MIND SEAR. YIKES. Down they go. I kill the Baron so fast it's UGLY. In normal random roics I can pop 5k dps with my pally easy. With Ymamae it isn't near as much, yet Sh** seems to go down so fast. I'm yet to figure this one out. If I am given large groups and a tank with solid aggro I can easily achieve 6,7,8k dps. It's bizarre. Oh well. Not sure me thinking to heavily on it at this very moment is going to solve anything. It's time to put my ass to bed and hope tomorrow will be the day that I figure out why my dps sucks. LOL

WoW Update

Well, as to my current status in the World of Warcraft, here it is. All of the below mentioned characters are on the realm of Khaz Modan. (All Horde.)

Name - Spec/Off Spec - Race - Class - Level (future changes)

  • Bitterivy - Ret/Prot - Blood Elf - Paladin - 80
  • Detheria - Prot - Undead - Warrior - 71 (race change to Tauren)
  • Ymamae - Shadow/Holy - Blood Elf - Priest - 69
  • Valisharen - Marksman - Tauren - Hunter - 68 (race change to Orc)
  • Nalvizakhan - Blood - Blood Elf - Death Knight - 66 (race change to Tauren)
  • Nakki - Affliction - Blood Elf - Warlock - 43
  • Ekuni - Enhancement - Orc - Shammy - 32
  • Iyuri - Feral - Tauren - Druid - 31
  • Vistiche - Frost - Undead - Mage - 31 (race change to Blood Elf)
  • Darkeena - Combat - Blood Elf - Rogue - 26

WoW Status

A status update for my WoW'in. I got my pally to 80 a few months ago, but since my mobo died in my gaming rig and I'm forced to use my older gaming rig, I can't run dungeons with any regularity. Sucks. I got my hunter to 66, priest to 60, lock to 38. I left my DK at 64 and haven't touched him since. Not looking forward to doing HP again with my priest. ACK! Did it with the DK, hunter, pally and warrior, and don't want to do it again. At least it's not as boring an area as Zangarmarsh!

Going to work a tad on my druid, to at least get her to 40. My poor rogue is still stuck at 25. I just can't seem to get up the oomph to lvl her. Rogues are so boring. ACK! Leveling my hunter has taken top priority atm. I have to get up to 70 mainly cause one of my friends is waiting to lvl his hunter past 71 till i join him in Northrend. :D

Oh, my poor Hellgate

I wanted to sit down, relax and play some Hellgate: London yesterday. But it was acting weird. When I finally got it to load, my characters were all missing. I was crazily trying to figure out wth happened to them when it hit me. My kid was messing around on my computer a few months ago and made a new admin acct and deleted my old one. *sigh* Unfortunately, along with 2 years worth of (non-backed up) documents, I lost the Hellgate: London character profile folder. ACK! What kind of moron designed a game to keep your character profiles in your docs? I had already beat the game once with my blademaster and was almost complete with my marksmen, and half way with my stupid summoner. So now I have to start all over again. It was after that little computer incident that I grounded my kid from the comp and then when I did let her back on it, she has her own moderated account. I should have known better then to let her mess around on my gaming rig. I did promise her that when it's time to build my new rig, she can help, and that yes, she'll get this one. Building a rig from the ground up can be painful, time consuming and really fun. BTW, I've been backing up my docs since my little disaster.

So, now I'm bound for re-install land for Hellgate: London, and thought I'd give Neverwinter Nights Diamond a try. I quit playing WoW in June after I got bored. I got my blood elf pally to lvl 76 and stopped. I might pick it back up when Cataclysm comes out. One of my best friends is trying to get me to go Ally, but I'm not sure I wanna do that. I just love all my Horde toons. :)

I really miss the Quake 3 community and all the time I spent competing, judging tourneys and just having a good ole time with all my gaming buddies. I still talk to a few of them, but most aren't around anymore. I've tried Quake Live but I just cannot seem to get a handle on it. It just doesn't feel the same to me. Of course, considering that I was a big fan of the OSP and freezedt mods, which Quake Live will NEVER have, it's not a suprise. I just hate baseq3. :( Even if they decide to add a freeze style play on Quake Live I'm not sure if I would go for it. Hmmmm...

Oh yeah, I'm back!

After a long hiatus with no internet I'm finally back. I got internet at my apartment finally. Woot!! So I'll be hanging around this popsicle stand more often. Good Grief! What happened to my spell check?? Oh, there it is... More later!

Long Break

It's been sometime since I've had a new post or even something new to say. Things haven't been too well for me. I've been on some pretty severe medication for my fibromyalgia. Medication that nearly killed me. I have since gotten off that medication and several others. That was a little over two weeks ago. Two weeks ago and over 20lbs lighter, I feel much better. I have also discovered that most of the problems I have suffered, other than fibromyalgia related, have been the direct result of hypothyroidism. I'm now on a medicine for that and now have a much brighter perspective on the future.

As for my gaming future, the pain in my hands and wrists as been pretty severe. I game when I can and enjoy every second of it. I've been playing a lot of Hellgate: London and I just tried out some Bioshock. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about the game just yet. I've updated my acct for World of Warcraft and I'm going to be playing on Uldaman when my hands are up to it. Hope to see you all around. ~Amy

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