@Mokuba34: Are you really this stupid? Please tell me this guy really isn't this stupid... I think he is just this stupid. They were legally parked on a street, sitting in their car playing a game. Only someone that rode a short bus all their life would think that the guys in the car were idiots.
@FBohler: Durp, Nintendo didn't make the game. Niantic did and it was published by the Pokemon company. All Nintendo had to do with it was saying "sure, you can use the Pokemon name. As long as we are getting royalties we're happy".
@xOmniCloudx: We get it, you're poor and can't afford it. Why keep trying to swing it otherwise? There isn't anything at all wrong with them charging a minimal amount for a game that still costs them money to give to you. Or are you under the assumption that their download servers, the development of the emulator to run the games and the people who work behind the scenes to maintain those servers don't cost anything? Idiots like you make the rest of the gaming community look bad. Learn to use that little pea brain of yours instead of being a poor, entitled little bitch.
@o311rocks: Is it tough being poor? I mean, if spending a whole $8 on entertainment is enough to warrant your whining then money must be a large issue for you. To the rest of the normal world, what we see is the opportunity to play classic games we grew up playing that we may not own anymore or want to play on the go legally. Do you think they are just going to hand you free games? Are legitimately that stupid?
@solarchainsawhd: And this comment is how you know SolarCharinsaw is full of it. Using component cables makes an immense difference on HDTVs. Either you have some severe eye problems or you really are just ignorant.
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