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BigBoss712 Blog

Resistance Tournament!

Well the Resistance tournament is almost over, the final match is today, I was finally able to participate in one of GS tournaments, Resistance is my favorite online game and I'm pretty good at it but I was a little disappointed with GS decision to play Assault mode, I would have prefer to play good old team deathmatch. My team got to the Quarterfinal Rounds, we were eliminated the day before the finals ah :P I knew before our last match that it was not going to be easy since half of the other team players were supreme commanders (that's the highest rank you can get) I was the only one on my team with that rank but I couldn't do much because half the time I was lost trying to find our opponents bases and when I finally started to get the hang of it, it was already too late, I hated that map. :P At least we got a good run and I'm happy I was able to take part in the tournament. I also made some new friends, I'm proud of my team, we put up a good fight.

Here's the nice emblem we got:

A seemingly unstoppable evil band of ferocious Chimera have spread a deadly plague.
This console shooter fanatic participated in GameSpot's Humanity's Last Hope Tournament, where 128 teams battled it out to find the best Resistance: Fall of Man teams in North America.

Calling all PS3 owners to an online game night!

Hello everyone, at the Drunken Dragon Guild union we have been trying to set up some online games with our friends here on GS. Last week we played Calling all Cars for nearly two hours and was lots of fun.

It would be nice to get a group of us together and play, oblivion-girl and I will be hosting some games every Thursday evening. If any of you is interested in joining us be sure to let me know.

We play Resistance, Warhawk and Calling all Cars. (we will be adding more games to our game nights) Looking forward to playing with you guys and have a good time. :) We will be playing who wants to join us?

Beware of OG!!

Hello everyone, I just wanted to introduce someone new to GS: oblivion-girl, She is a little loca so be warn. She recently started her own union the Drunken Dragon Guild, I have been couching her on how things work on GS, if any of you want to help out with the union that would be great. The Union is lots of fun already, we need more people to join but don't say I didn't warn you about OG though! :P

Christian Bale to star as Solid Snake...? the upcoming MGS movie? "In the latest edition of Nuts magazine ( UK ), there is an interview with Christian Bale, in which he states he`s in the running to play Solid Snake in the 2009 movie Metal Gear Solid." I got the info from, its a shame that there ins't a more reliable source, but if he gets the part to play as Snake that would be great, he is one of my favorite actors that has become known in recent years. He did a great job in the movie Batman Begins (which is pretty much the best Batman movie or super hero movie that I have seen) and in Reign of Fire. Last weekend I went to see 3:10 to Yuma, Christian Bale and Russell Crowe are the main protagonists, both did a great job, the movie has lots of action and is very entertaining. :)

Do you guys think he will be a good choice? or which other actor would you like to see instead?

Playstation 3 is mine!!!!

Today I finally got a PS3 :D I haven't had the chance to play it much, I'm still trying to figure out how some stuff work but I love the design, it looks high tech. I also got a copy of Resistance: Fall of Man, I haven't played it much but so far its pretty good, the amount of enemies you see on screen at once is impressive, the weapons sound and feel powerful.

My PSN ID is BigBoss712, if any of you have a PS3 please add me to your friend list. I'm looking forward to playing Resistance with my GS friends.

I also redesigned my profile look for the occasion, what do you guys think?

Some Updates.

Update for unions: I'm back from my short break but I wont be as much online because I started school again and I will probably start working soon so I guess I will be absent for a few more days.

Movies Updates: I went to see Spider-Man 3, I was a little disappointed, I guess they tried to do too much and ended up having a bunch of stories with little substance. Apocalypto comes out on DVD next Tuesday (May 22) Can't wait to get it, I saw it in the theater and I love it.

Gaming Updates: Yesterday I downloaded the Aegis Wing demo, I didn't played it much but it looks like a fun side-scrolling shooter, has co-op online and I got it for free (thanks amward2001 for letting me know :) I think today is the last day you can download it for free. I finally upgraded to xbl Gold so I will see you guys online. I hope to play against Dz and Dante2710 this time (meh Dante will probably be too busy playing Halo 3 beta :P ) I also finished Oblivion main quest, I was a little disappointed but its still a good RPG.

I got a 40 inch HDTV, the games sure look great especially Gears of War, this week I will get a 32 inch one for my room. :D Now I just need a PS3...must play Resistance :P I hope to get one by the time MGS4 comes out.

What do you guys think of Sony Gamers Day 07 so far?

It has been decent imo, there have been some good demonstrations, Heavenly Sword, Lair, Socom are some of my favorites. Its good to know a little more about the upcoming PS3 games.

Ratchet & Clank looks great, it seems to be one of the few games that show the true potential of the PS3. I played the previous games demos but I was never interested enough like to buy any of them so I guess Tools of Destruction will be my first Ratchet & Clank game.

Metal Gear Solid Tribute!

Hello everyone, just wanted to let you guys know that I uploaded a new vid. Its my first AMV, a tribute to the Metal Gear Solid series. It was a lot of work but it was worth it imo. I'm very please with the way it came out. Some of you might recognize the music, it is from The Last Samurai. I got good feedback in and I hope you guys like it as well.


Your most wanted game of 2007?

2007 is sure to be one of the best gaming years ever and with the new consoles ready to show their potential it doesn't get any better than what's your most wanted game of 2007? if possible please give reasons why you have chosen that game.

Mine is Metal Gear Solid 4 of course but I highly doubt that it will come out this year. It is said to be the last chapter in the series and everybody is anxious to know how its all going to end...will Snake die? what happened to Raiden during the events of MGS2-4, will BigBoss make a reappearance?. I can't wait to fight Gekko, the new boss battles, to see what new memorable characters the series in going to introduce and the new Metal Gear model.  I'm sure MGS4 will push the PS3 to its the previous games have done in the past.

Update about me

Just felt like writing a blog of what have been going on in my life :P I'm almost done with college and in a few weeks I will be saying goodbye to my teen years and turn 20.:)

I might be single again so I guess I'll back to my old self. Everything was going great in our relation but in just one day everything changed for the worse. Life can be hard at times. :( Talking about this kind of things is not my style :lol: so enough of that. :P

I will be much less in GS, I have resigned from many unions. With the things that have been going on lately I'm even beginning to lose my love for gaming so from now on I will spend a great deal of my free time playing games. I just got into online gaming Xbox Live gamertag is BigBoss712 so if any of you have a 360 feel free to add me to your friend list.

And what do you guys think of my new designs? :)

Jule's Resistance Banner / TGBU Banner

New profile look!

It is about three of my favorite movies (Gladiator, The Last Samurai and Kingdom of Heaven) yes I love that type of movie :P Those three have lots of action and great stories. What do you guys think? :)

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