I think the unxboxing was pretty cool and pretty standard, it got me excited for the system just like when I see a game unboxing. As for the Sony news I think you should have "anything you could do I can do better" on a loop each time Sony and Microsoft go at it.
Skyrim being the game of this generation should be on top 5 so we can talk about how awesome Bioshock is.
Gold exclusive isn't anything new and it wouldn't stop me from getting a Xbox uno the only thing stopping me is the $500 price tag. As for the Wii U I think Nintendo has to realize that the world's a big place and sooner or later they have to embrace it. But I believe in Nintendo and they always seem to stay afloat.
P.S. Why did this video link send me to GameSpot Asia and great job Jess and Ed.
Very good choice, it's a shame not many people have played it but anyways thanks it's good to know your top favorite games. Maybe next time we can discuss our favorite tv shows. This probably isn't the website for that though.
This is also in my top games, it was a great experience and what I love so much about it is how much it reminded me of kotor. Knights of the old Republic will always be my favorite game of all time.
I like Skyrim but for me the best game of this generation is Bioshock, I still remember how much fun the demo was. Playing the full game was amazing and it will always stay with me.
Wow, Sony and Microsoft just take out your d**** and measure them already this is a little much now. The GTAV pictures are cool though, I guess that should hold me over until the next trailer. Good job as always Jess, I'm glad the gamespot sign didn't fall down behind you.
BigBossSAA's comments