BigKevSexyMan's forum posts
If we really need a headset to play SSBB and BWii....maybe....if you wanna do something drastic.....threaten to boycott SSBB until one is announced. Just throwing that out there.
.....yeah....hmmm......think about it...... :|
Is there anyone else that's getting the feeling the game might not be that good? Sure, the trailers look pretty cool, but are we just excited for the game because we had to back in the wii game drought? I remember in all the 'no games on the wii' topics that waiting for No more heroes was pretty much the top answer that people gave(other than complaining about the complainers :P ).
It seems that they're getting the high amount of gore we saw in earlier gameplay movies, and the gameplay seems a bit mundane, even with the wii-mote additions.
I dunno, I'm just getting the rotten "this game might not actually be that good" taste in my mouth, but it may be better to think that now, then know it after I bought the game. Anyways, just wondering if anyone felt the same way.
huuuu......when will there be atleast an AA shooter for the Wii?
 When there's online support for one. Â
-It would be a 3rd person shooter/slasher with RPG elements incorporated into online and offline gameplay.
-It would require a new type of nunchuck that includes a pointer and as much motion sensitivity as the wii-mote.
-Storyline I'll keep to myself.(barely thought of it)
-Weapons would be expansive including: Swords(single and dual), guns(shotguns, dual pistols, etc.), spears, bows, claws, sword/hangun combo, and magic users.
-I would have the user map his/her body. After, they would place the wii-mote and wii-chuck next to their sides. -Using this information I would be able to map the remotes' position relative to the user using anti-derivatives and other calculus methods.
-Camera would be controlled by pressing the A button and flicking the wii-mote.
-Each weapon and weapon combo open up new skills(aside from your own) that you spend skill points on.
Sword Controls:
Great Sword: User simply strikes when he's ready, moving around with the wii-chuck and swings the wii-mote to do damage.
Dual Sword: User swings both the wii-mote and wii-chuck to do damage with each arm. You'll move with the analog stick on the wii-chuck which might take some skill.
Gun Controls:
Single guns: typical format of moving with the wii-chuck and aiming with the wii-mote.
Dual guns: Two aimers will be on the each controlling one gun. Pulling the two guns away from each other will split the screen allowing you to shoot side to side.
Sword/Gun Combo: Gun arm aims and shoots, Sword arm swings. Wii-chuck controls movement.
Spear: Wii-mote and wii-chuck will form a line that coordinates the spear. Large damage at the end of the spear, minimal damage up close.
Bows: Put wii-mote forward and pull wii-chuck back and hit B to release the arrow. You won't be able to aim with the pointer, but the angle that the wii-mote and wii-chuck form will be where your arrow flies.
Claws: Think Wii boxing with analog movement.
Magic Users: Draw a rune on the screen with the wii-mote to cast spell.
I'll probably come up with more stuff. Who knows, maybe one day I could get to pitch this idea to a major developer and gain some valuable experience in game design.
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