I used to mess around with this stuff when I was 13-ish, it never truly worked. Placebo is a much stronger effect then most people would like to think though.
Wow, what a dumb photo. You could take a heroin bust and say the same thing. Although If weed was ever legalized I would not be paying a $50 tax because I would break the stoner mold, get off my buttox and grow my own plants.
Depends really, if it was extremely expensive to make I would charge at cost. If it was extremely cheap to make I would make a little bit of profit off of it.
I almost never indulge in food, but not because I wouldn't like to. I have a ridiculously slow metabolism and have put on 10-15 pounds in a week when I eat unhealthy and/or too much, I'm pretty much forced to count every calorie to maintain a healthy body weight.
There's not much to it really, they ask you questions about your health and such. Then they stick a needle in your arm and sap some blood out. Then you'll get some free cookies and juice for your donation:)
40 hours with no sleep or food, I did it at my school over the weekend. Not even sure what the point of it was but it gave me all the community service needed to graduate, but by god it was hellish.
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