When playing a match when your owing and you see noobsNuke boosting how does it make you feelAnd then they have the nerve to tell you stop
Which system is BetterWhich system has better GAME SELECTIONSWhich system has better GRAPHICSWhich system just looks SEXYWhich system should i buy?
I really want to know which system has better game selectionsWhat system has better graphicsAnd overall which system just plain looks SEXY!Meant to say Dsi XLBijouWarrior
I really want to know which system has better game selectionsWhat system has better graphicsAnd overall which system just plain looks SEXY!
I really want to know what system is better What system has better game selections What system has better graphics And Overall which system just plain looks SEXY!
Hey i been told if you buy a ds of any kind you need to buy a screen protector or you will mess up the screen and scratch it up is this TRUE !!!!!
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