I think the only reason that X-box has the better game library is because it has been out since 2005 and PS3 has only been out since last November - not even a year yet. X-box saying it has th ebiggest library is like saying that Russia is the biggest country. really Sony has only been out for awhile now and will be gearing up for more and more dynamite games in about another year - then things should really heat up (the one thing I really enjoy about competition in the gaming world is that each side is always trying to make the best game ever, which only means a lot of great games - how many really great games came out for the Atari systems????)
By the way the Wii is supposed to have 80 games out for the 4th quarter of this year, which I don't reaslly see - and frankly I have to question that statement myself - if I hadn't heard that from this site then I don't know what I would do.
Over and all, if I had to choose right now between a 360 and a PS3, I would go with PS3 - Sony will only get better and is probably over and all again the better system (I mean games system, cd player, DVD movie player, blu ray capabilties), plus things like it's Greatest Hits lineup, backward compatibility, and first party support. Although, Sony could do a lot more for itself by producing a gaming-only system for the blue collar worker family's more than the everything-in-one box.
And just what exactly are the "got to have the system cause I've got to get the game" games of rthe 360's - all I really know Microsoft for is Age of Empires and Half Life (which was fair but...mostly a little old by the time I played it - I liked Doom 3 a lot more). I heard Bungie was leaving, and Halo (and Forza, I guess) had to be the number one reasons to own the machine a while ago. All I can remember from X-box advertising is Halo and a bunch of FPS (which PS3 is also loaded with - COD4, Haze, RSVegas, Resident Evil 5, Resistance, and maybe Metal Gear Solid 4 (though that is 3rd person and mostly a better game than some of the others - if 2 and 3 are any indication ...personal opinion) and EA games (which are even distributed on Mars and Jupiter - check out the background of the subway scenes in Total Recall - you'll see what i mean - gotta look fast though)
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