I would never objectify women... But gosh, I'm sorry I happen to think ladies have attractive bodies and want to look at them every once in a while. That's so sexist. I guess next time I see a woman in a bikini, I'll be more appropriate and tell her that I don't find her attractive at all. I'm sure that would make her really happy.
I have a better idea. How about developers make some cool gameplay framework, like, let's say Uncharted. Then what they do is they release a smaller, self-contained game that plays exactly like it. People can buy it, for, say, $5, and it's not that long, but it has a self-contained storyline and it's fun, and all the money goes to help fun the bigger game, that will use the same basic gameplay but on a much bigger scale.
@RPG_Fan_I_Am I'm not talking about for storage. I'm talking about watching movies, or ripping music CDs to MP3 format. Things like that. I'm not a fan of digital distribution.
The graphics in the current generation are already pretty amazing. I think the next generation isn't so much about "OMG, look how gorgeous this game looks!" Obviously there are visual improvements, especially in lighting and effects, but I think it'll be a lot more about the freedom to do things without limitations. Like big open worlds with a greatly expanded draw distance, allowing for things to be seen much further away. Or killing a bunch of enemies and not have to have them disappear from the screen to free up space for more enemies. Stuff like that.
Hmm, this is a tough one. On the one hand, Gray Fox is infinitely better than Raiden. On the other hand, to make this sort of game about Gray Fox could easily ruin Gray Fox, and further cause a detriment to MGS's legacy.
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