Once again, the day of school was canceled. I'm actually starting to not like it. I WANT TO BREAK FREE!!!...I want to break free!!Oh yes I want to break free, ya! Oh yes I want to break free! DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DOOO. Sorry, I really need to get out more. o.o I've been eating popcorn all day. I must've already ate a pound of it.
Now I have pictures of me as a popcorn piece in my head. Great, time for zombie popcorn nightmares...XD Speaking of zombies, yesterday I watched Dawn of the Dead for my first time! It was great, though the music was really annoying me. I know it's an old movie, but still! Do they HAVE to have that annoying music?
Sure, Shaun of the Dead used some of the same music, but not THAT much. It wouldn't play it so much that it almost made you throw up, or pass our, OR EAT HUMAN FLESH!!!! *Runs around park crazily, trying to eat little kids* Dawn of the Dead's zombies were really weird. There was this one bold guy, he looked like the weirdest zombie in the movie.
He tryed to attack the girl at the mall, hiding. I think he also had earings. Was there a zombie similar to that description in the new Dawn of the Dead? If there is, can I please have a picture? It's for a banner I want to make. The banner's for a 'of the Dead' zombie movies fansite, known as 'The Zombie Army'. It's a great place, ask for a refer link if you want to.
I remembered to play Final Fantasy X today. I trained a lot, and I even tryed to beat *Spoilers*
Maester Seymour! I almost beat him, but his aeon(sp?) was too strong. I just ALMOST beat the aeon. Atleast I trained more after that, right?
*End spoilers*
I trained Kimari more, since he was WAY undertrained even for the normal person's characters. I guess Al Bhed might be nice, I'm having a hard time judging them. I know I seem racist, but stupid Wakka's influncing me. Stupid stupid Wakka! Why can't Wakka just be a normal average Guardian, you know what I mean? I think you do!
Today I was playing Second Sight again for the Gamecube. I was actually fooling around a lot more than actually trying to beat it. It was kinda fun, hiding in a locker, peaking out, shooting, stealing gun, repeat, repeat, etc...It was fun messing around with the guards. I'm having a hard time with the level 'Escape'. I was trying the third level again, though.
I really think the second flashback is really fun though. It gets boring after a while though, I need a game just like that flashback. Does anybody know of a game where there's CPU controlled characters that help you out in what you do, actually help? The idea is just so fun, I don't care which system it's for! It can be any system.
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