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Blaber66 Blog

Stupid computer!

My computer's not working very well, so this is a short entry. I'll post more later. Try to visit my Livejournal for info now. My name's Blaber66 there. Is anybody else looking forward to <a href="">Darkwatch?</a> It looks good, but I talk about it more in Livejournal. Cya for now!

W00T, Level 6! *James Bond music plays*

I finally got to Level 6 today! I'm so excited and stuff. I already wrote a review, too. It's a Pokemon Blue review for the Gameboy. Check it out, and Thumbs Up/Trust me if you like it. Note that it wasen't too hard to make, so you can point out flaws. I actually understand some flaws. (Not telling types of starting Pokemon, I think leaving out another thing...)

I'm planning on reviewing either a Kingdom Hearts game, or another Pokemon game. Hopefully if it's a Pokemon game it won't be a Gameboy game. It would probably be Pokemon Stadium. I mean, I don't want to just be writing a bunch of reviews on just sequals to another game. I'd run out of things to say, though maybe expect another Gameboy Pokemon in future.

I was sick again today. I'm begining to think I don't get enough sleep. (The cause of feeling sick) But I'll be going to bed early (I really hope)tonight. I got another Dawn of the Dead mini-baseball bat today. Now I have two! Probably next week I'll have another game, Frequency. It's a music beat game, it's the prequal to another PS2 music beat game.

I watched the first 'Act' of Live Action Sailor Moon today. At first it seemed stupid, but I actually liked it! I want to see another 'Act', though it was kinda stupid in parts. It didn't have the same gadgets, but I guess you should only watch it if you've seen Sailor Moon before. Not that I think they're cute or anything, I just saw it as a little kid. REALLY little.

I need some advice on writing reviews. The better the game, the longer a review should be I guess. My Pokemon Blue review was kinda small(Well, my friend says. Hopefully it's just him.)so I need to find some extra ideas. Maybe next time I should put a lot more info in it. But you have to admit, Pokemon Blue didn't have too much storyline to say without spoilers.

Anyway, I'm gonna go try to do some homework, and have fun!

One thing, I don't know why. It doesn't even matter how much I try..

...I listen to Linkin Park too much. :D I was feeling bad today at school, because I was up too late. Why was I up too late? BECAUSE MY DAD WAS TALKING THE WHOLE TIME!!!! Well, and I had really bad gas. -_-'' Oh well, I'm sure he won't talk all night tonight. Well, hopefully he won't. has a new game! It's called 'Fullmetal Alchemist: Iron VS. Fire' I think. Well, it's a Fullmetal Alchemist game either way. It's like a real RPG! You can even save your game! It saves automaticly, just make sure your cookies aren't erased! It's probably saved via cookies. It has levels, and different kinds of alchemy.

I trained more on Final Fantasy X, I need to get them all into Overdrive mode. So far I have Auron, Tidus, Lulu, Wakka...I think that's all. I almost have Rikku, and after that I shall train and get Kimahri like that. I just wish I had somebody besides Kimahri, like another mage! If Yuna wasen't White Magic and just Summoner, we could just get a COOL White Mage.

I watched some Celeberty Deathmatch episodes today. Long story on how I got them, but they're funny! Madonna VS. Michael Jackson was good. GREAT. ULTIMATELY GREAT. I wish I could find some CHEAP DVDs of them. Or atleast if MTV would show them again, that would be even better.

Did I mention I've almost got to Level 6? I'm already 91%! I can't wait, I might even start my reviews early today. (I BETTER get to Level 6 tomarrow. *Growls*)I'll probably review Kingdom Hearts, and Kingdom Hearts: Chains of Memories. Maybe I'll review a not known as much game that I own, so that I'm very unique.

Well, I'm gonna go play more Fullmetal Alchemist: Iron VS. Fire and do some other stuff!

Maester Seymour pwns Me *Spoilers*

Once again, I lost in the battle against Maester Seymour. I almost won though! First I used Rikku's Poison Fang(Or something like that)to take down a guard. I forget how I got down the other guard. Anyway, I blocked the overdrive of Anima 'Oblivion' with Ifrit. BUT Maester Seymour has attacks like 'Multi-Thundaga'! It's more annoying than anything else!

I wish I could train Yuna, but she's praying to the fayth! GRR!! Atleast I got the new aeon, which is supposed to be called 'Shiva'. She's nice, style. XD I've been playing 'Zero Wing'. It's really fun, but I can't defeat the boss type person! It shoots a fireball, and then a bunch of lazers! That's so unfair!

Still, there's a couple things I now know. I know 'Somebody set us up the bomb!' and all my base are belong to you. :P I'm gonna try to get all my characters up to full Overdrive meter. Then I'll kill the guards, kill Anima, and then Maester Seymour can unleash his painful wrath upon me using the magic of magic attacks.

I've been playing iSketch alot. There's a Gamespot room, and it's fun to draw. Well, I'm gonna go make up many pages of Social Studys/play and procrastinate.

EDIT: I forgot to say that I got 200 posts today! DO THE LIMBO!! *Starts party*

Stupid dad...stupid everything!

My dad's making a big thing out of EVERYTHING. Litterly, EVERYTHING. He's been talking all night, so now I'll be up at like 2 AM watching the rerun of Fullmetal Alchemist. -______-'' And he's like 'I don't care if you even stay up until 4 AM! You're still getting up for school on Monday!'. That's so annoying, because he's the one making me stay up later.

(I've had a bad history with school. I've missed too much of school last year, long story. Too long when it's almost 2:00 AM. -_- I should go to bed. I won't of course, because I'm Blaber66, givin the fans want they want. :P I'll probably have an entry later in the day, since this was SUPPOSED to be on Saturday. It might look like this entry is.

So I gotta go to sleep, just expect another entry later! Cya!

Sup yo, I got a pain in my gums! XD

Ever since last night, my gums have hurt really bad on the right side of my mouth. It's very annoying, it's even making me think again about eating Mcdonalds tonight. It seriously hurts, I need some real help. Maybe I'll make a doctor's appointment, but I've already seen them a while ago! Like, last month, on Valentines Day!

Well, I'll live for now. The state representitave didn't come to read to the class, some judge type person came to read a Dr. Suess book. It was okay, I guess. The book was pretty weird, but it was still good. It was about making good choices or something. I should get a mini-book for my pocket, so then I won't be a total complete jerk sometimes. XD

I think today I'll make that razor thing for shaving, the URL is mentioned in the journal entry right under this. It sounds funny, I just wish I actually NEEDED to shave. :P Oh well. Maybe my mom will come home with the Mcdonalds soon. (I know I sound like a fat idiot yet smart kid. Well, you're probably right. :P)

I unlocked a new character on Dragonball Z: Budokai 2 today! I unlocked Hercule. He's not exactly a good character, but his moves are funny most of the time. MOST of the time, not all of the time. I think next I'll get Teen Gohan or Videl, whichever comes first.

Hey, there's mom! AND SHE HAS THE MCDONALDS WITH MY SHAMROCK MILKSHAKE!!! W0000T!!! *Runs with excitment of french fries, a double hamburger, Root Beer, and a Shamrock Milkshake* On the 11th my cousin comes over. I've been cleaning my room up for it, it'll be SOOOO fun! I mean, really fun!

Well, I'm gonna go get some food, but I'll still be on. I'll also watch TV and listen to music...XD

Stupid school! *Whacks school with magazine* Stupid stupid stupid...

I had school today, as already mentioned in the title. It's very annoying, atleast I had G.L.O today, which was fun. Oh course, Marissa had to be a brat and start being annoying, mean, and whiny. She says WE stole her answers?! Oh come on!! I played a lot of Dragonball Z: Budokai 2 today. I was trying to unlock Teen Gohan and Hercule, but I messed up SOMEHOW.

I swear I followed all of the right directions! Oh well, I just STARTED THE WHOLE STORY MODE OVER!!!!! Grr....grr at you all! I was looking at my favorite website, I-Mockery a couple minutes ago. I found this article about shaving razors, it's funny! That's the article, though too bad I can't just make a link.

(Well, maybe with HTML) I should've played Final Fantasy X today. Maybe tomarrow. I found a Final Fantasy soundtrack, with the Final Fantasy 2 soundtrack. Unfortuantly, I think it got bought already. Maybe someday, just maybe, I'll get the soundtrack, and forget about it! XD

Anyway, I know this is a short journal entry, but I didn't do much at school today--oh yeah, the state representitave is coming to my school tomarrow! It's in honor of Dr. Suess's birthday.... Kinda weird for him to be coming over JUST for that, seriously.0.o Well, I'm gonna go do some other stuff, and try to finish my boring homework. Cya!

*Dawn of the Dead and Final Fantasy X spoilers!*

Once again, the day of school was canceled. I'm actually starting to not like it. I WANT TO BREAK FREE!!!...I want to break free!!Oh yes I want to break free, ya! Oh yes I want to break free! DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DOOO. Sorry, I really need to get out more. o.o I've been eating popcorn all day. I must've already ate a pound of it.

Now I have pictures of me as a popcorn piece in my head. Great, time for zombie popcorn nightmares...XD Speaking of zombies, yesterday I watched Dawn of the Dead for my first time! It was great, though the music was really annoying me. I know it's an old movie, but still! Do they HAVE to have that annoying music?

Sure, Shaun of the Dead used some of the same music, but not THAT much. It wouldn't play it so much that it almost made you throw up, or pass our, OR EAT HUMAN FLESH!!!! *Runs around park crazily, trying to eat little kids* Dawn of the Dead's zombies were really weird. There was this one bold guy, he looked like the weirdest zombie in the movie.

He tryed to attack the girl at the mall, hiding. I think he also had earings. Was there a zombie similar to that description in the new Dawn of the Dead? If there is, can I please have a picture? It's for a banner I want to make. The banner's for a 'of the Dead' zombie movies fansite, known as 'The Zombie Army'. It's a great place, ask for a refer link if you want to.

I remembered to play Final Fantasy X today. I trained a lot, and I even tryed to beat *Spoilers*

Maester Seymour! I almost beat him, but his aeon(sp?) was too strong. I just ALMOST beat the aeon. Atleast I trained more after that, right?

*End spoilers*

I trained Kimari more, since he was WAY undertrained even for the normal person's characters. I guess Al Bhed might be nice, I'm having a hard time judging them. I know I seem racist, but stupid Wakka's influncing me. Stupid stupid Wakka! Why can't Wakka just be a normal average Guardian, you know what I mean? I think you do!

Today I was playing Second Sight again for the Gamecube. I was actually fooling around a lot more than actually trying to beat it. It was kinda fun, hiding in a locker, peaking out, shooting, stealing gun, repeat, repeat, etc...It was fun messing around with the guards. I'm having a hard time with the level 'Escape'. I was trying the third level again, though.

I really think the second flashback is really fun though. It gets boring after a while though, I need a game just like that flashback. Does anybody know of a game where there's CPU controlled characters that help you out in what you do, actually help? The idea is just so fun, I don't care which system it's for! It can be any system.


Ha, today was the release of Spongebob: The Movie! It's very good, though I didn't get to the special features yet-maybe tomarrow. I didn't get to play Final Fantasy X today, though I might a little later. I've got a long trail to the Macolana Temple. (I think I spelled that wrong) I wish I was doing better in my anime gender..I can't really watch any!

I need to watch it in my PS2, but they won't work on it! Except for a full American DVD(Full!)with a fan-dub, but I don't like to watch anime much at night. Well, most of the time no. I mean, I just need to watch some anime. I need it! I NEEEED IT!!! *Gos crazy and starts screaming and running around, running over 3 old people in the process*

Errrm...sorry old people..*Puts a five dollar bill on each old person's body* That should cover it..>_> Whatever, XD. *Runs away from public running over 5 little kids* I REALLY need to stop doing that... You should buy The Spongebob Movie on DVD though. It's even appealing to adults! (Believe me, I know. I've tested it out before on human adults, and maybe a few aliens.)

I need a real hobby. I mean, besides watching TV, eating food, listening to music, playing video games, and all around being a lazy slob who does nothing to the community but polute the air by coughing purposely. XD Yes, I'm public enemy #2 in this world, next to a crazy clown with that evil smile that just gives you the feeling 'I hope you die tonight.'. To me, anyway.

Oh ya, I forgot to tell you. I got the day off from school AGAIN! It's a snowday, so tomarrow will be when everything gos downhill. I have to make up like three tests, maybe four or five. Not to mention I have to make up a bunch of work. I might even have tomarrow off! _-_'' Well, 2 more inches tomarrow. There goes Easter vacation. :cry:

Oh well, I'm gonna go do nothing for the community some more!

Listen, I'm not gonna lie to you...

...I'm actually good at Final Fantasy X! :D I was fighting a boss today, it was kind of challenging, but I easily got the hang of it. The boss was annoying though, VERY annoying. Last night I missed the Robot Chicken Sandwich. :( So now I'm like 'omg, I should share a jail cell with Bubba.'. Oh well, life comes and goes..and goes. :P

Today I didn't have to go to school! It was canceled, but now I have to make up FOUR days of work. And probably five, because of tomarrow. I mean, there's already atleast 50 around the area closed, or atleast with delays! Oh well, there gos fun time...:( If I'm not posting for a while, it probably has to do with making up work. Infact, I should make up homework right now.

But of course, I'll procrastinate it until 12, in which I'll drag my body to a table with a pencil and start to write. XD *Gos in the other room to check closings website* Wow, 85 schools! Sissys-wait, my school's not there! NOOO!!! Well, there's always a lot of time. I mean, there's like 9 hours or something like that...Well, I should miss tomarrow. (I have to make up so much work!)

Well, I'm gonna go drink some Diet Pepsi, eat some crackers, listen to music, and read some fanfiction! (Or something like that XD)
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