This is a crazy idea but why not make dlc for games that are out on the market to boost your sales on games you develop? Put it on networks that is controled by the Developers and make them actually good and boom more profit its a radical idea I know but it will work doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.... Of course I could be wrong and I'll be really interested to hear anyone elses opinion on the matter but hey if the developers supported their games more with more material like dlc they will probably see much more in funds then what they are seeing now...
great article and I agree completely my trust in the company has been shaken too its core and I still feel that its going to take sometime for me to put my faith back into sony and their products. Will this stop me from buying games for my ps3? No I don't think so but it does make me reconsider the idea about buying another console with the sony logo on it or buying anymore games on their network....
truely in my own opinion I could careless about this article Brink was another boring fps game that really didn't do anything for me besides look alot like half-life with a different control step up. If you really wanna compare graphic-awesomeness do it when Battlefield 3 comes out on market next year even then through the console rigs are just gonna look aged since they are....
Unless my ps4 can jump up and dance and pretty much play video games itself and let me watch I seriously don't see a reason to buy a new console... I think I find myself probably buying the ngp and just sitting back and watching how the console community changes in the next ten years to come because so far this generation of gaming has not been about the games but more about what type of ways the big 3 can turn a profit and I hate it...
Great article I understand fully about everything Tom M. said up above. Theres been plenty of people out in the world today that got curious and tampered with big business tech. For example, Benjamin Heckendorn my personal hero. If you don't know anything about the man shame on you because hes pretty great. But yeah I feel sorry for Hotz I wish him the best of luck hopefully he get through this and follow the same foot steps as Heckendorn and take his smarts and become a outstanding individual to the gaming community in the future.
Da2 wasn't a horrible game but it did gave anyone who played the game the rushed feeling. Not to mention if you played ME2 you can see a very large influence that game has had over da2. Limited armor, basic weapons design with a few special weapons placed in places, recycled map areas, the list goes on and on. Yes the story telling was nice not great but nice but the limited character customization and the lack of orginal areas to explore killed the da experence we gamers had with DAO... Hopefully the third game will be better but I'm not gonna put money down on that through...
I totally agree that drm is a big problem and is only holding everyone as a whole back by putting up boundries where their shouldn't be one in the first place. For example, xbox live arcade games... a perfect platform for drm to run wild right under the publics noses... Why I say this is quite simple since most of their titles now after you pay ten bux on them and add extensions if you really like the game anyways to the game. You must be on xbox live to access them... What the heck I bought the game why can't I play them offline? Soo I say piracy in the market place is justified when things like these borlders exist...
Life isn't a picnic folks, sure I bet there are addicts out there who seriously depend on video gaming to survive their everyday lives. Then again most of them come from broken homes, abusive environments, hopeless situations in general. I use video gaming as a platform to escape my hopelessness in this greed driven society. Its terrible that things like this happens but its gonna keep happening where the rich keep on getting richer while the poor keep on getting poorer...
BlackBaldwin's comments