I transfered my PS2 memory data to my PS3 but it didn't transfer my Ps2 network settings for the system so when I was playing SD vs R 07 it said that it didn't detect any settings and asked me to make a new one right there, I didn't even have to dig up my configuration disc
I have a 60gb PS3 hooked up to a 20 inch Sceptre 1080p LCD Widescreen TV via HDMI in my room (My parents get pissy if I hook it up to the 50 inch in the living room). I have Resistance Fall Of Man and a few demos on my PS3, and I'm waiting for Ninja Gaiden Sigma, DMC4, GTA IV, MGS4, and FF XIII among others. I also have my PSP registered to my PS3 and still play my PS2 games on my PS3.
I've got 45gigs left, I have a few demos, the GTA IV HD Trailer, PS1 and PS2 virtual memory card slots, and Resistance Fall Of Man on my PS3. I'm going to upgrade to a 200 or 300GB hard drive soon
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