Story? Tutorial? Just because of that a 7? Maybe a diaper with the copy of the game too?This is a fighting game, review should focus more on the mechanics (besides the objects on stages) and online mode.
User Score vs Metacritic Score, let the battle begin!Seriously though, I think 'the critics' didn't play long enough to see the flaws of D3.For me the game was ok. It could always be a lot worse.
@OldManEvans Uh, when I read that I was like....huh? sooo last decade. Makes me question all that this guy said.
For the money that I spent on D3 I can say I got my investment.Everyone knows it's not THAT good, but since it lasted I had fun with it.I'm not going into fanboy mode or hater mode just because someone still plays it. Just let it go people. Jay bs'ed us enough, it's time to move on.
This is just bs, he made a good game, not an exceptional one but can't get over that his 'fistborn' was better? DuhTechnicaly, yes Crysis 3 owns....but pretty graphics it not enough and it shows with the scores and sales.Good to know that gamers still have their brains!
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