Blacklight2's forum posts
Naughty Dog even said themselfs that UC3 will not look much better the U2 no major engine upgrades except for the fire effects they siad they will make a tad better. Look at single player pics for Gears 3 it smokes UC3[QUOTE="SpunkDust"][QUOTE="mztazmz"]
best graphics huh?
well the rest of us with 20/20 vision aren't seeing that. it looks like gears 2 which looks great but not as good as U2 or KZ3.
and i think U3 will look at least a little better than U2 so how do you figure gears 3 will top it?
My dad works for EPIC and he said that there is really no big improvements over Gears 2 only a little better effects when you shoost the guns. Also the scale is only 1/3 bigger then Gears 1 and Brumaks have babbies with implated lazers shoosting out of their eyes.
That's a pretty big claim. Everyone knows Battlefield 3 will completely destroy anything this year.Your Favorite/Most Used Gaming Platform This Gen? Your Top Three Games on Your Favorite Current Gen Platform? PC
Your Top Three Games From This Gen Overall? World of Warcraft, Uncharted 2, Left 4 Dead
Your Favorite/Most Used Handheld Gaming Device? DS
Your Top Three Games for Said Device? Pokemon Soulsilver, Pokemon Black, and that's about it.
What Online Gaming Service, if any, did you use most often? Steam
Your Top Three Downloadable Games (Arcade/PSN/Indie/Ect) Magicka, that's about it.
What Systems/Platforms have you owned this Gen, and How many did you buy (Broken/sold/rebought/ect) PS3, Xbox360 (3 broke), Wii (sold), PC
How do you feel about this Gen overall? (Very Satisfied/Content/Disappointed/Very Disappointed) Elaborate if you wish. Meh.
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