My motherboard wasn't plugged in to the power supply fully so it gave me BSOD but after that I was good. My xbox 360 also RROD twice.
Why is everyone so into Eminem. He is so bad it's not even funny. He has been singing about the same stuff since 1997.
I enjoy me some Simpsons, Futurama, American Dad, Family Guy, Spongebob, Kim Possible and Flapjack,LitchieKim Possible?!?!?, oh and what is Flapjack?
Pretty much everything. All the classes drastically changed. You can see the full patch notes
The biggest change in MMO history just happened last month, so yes lots of changes.Beginning of an expansion is the best way to start, everyone is new to it.Can't say anything about warriors since I don't play them.It depends on your server. On my server Horde dominates 2:1.
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