"If you're just going sort [of] deciding, 'we're going to make a box and this is how it works and you should make games for it'. Well, no. No is my answer"
Really now? Because it's not like that's the way it's been working for decades. Right? His statement is rather dishonest. If they thought they could make a profit selling on Wii U they would've jumped at the chance to put games on it.
Only a studio sitting pretty would say something foolish like this. It seems like people connected with those studios always get bold and down talk a platform when it's struggling. Sony went through it the first couple years with the ps3 then everyone's tune changed later on.
Part of me really thinks he's talking about aggressive DRM. Whether it's forced log-in's or always online. Which is not something I've heard Nintendo talking about.
@derceto @Pikdum I agree about the disconnection especially after we were teased with the arrival of new aliens (who we now know are the volhm) which we never got to see developed. But did you see how much older Ben and Matt looked? How else do you explain that without a huge time difference? I agree that this season was off putting and just didn't capture me like one and two. If you were going to make Tom the president then he should've stayed that and not go oh but the REAL president is still alive and then promptly kill him off. Since they did go that route I thought the REAL president was working with the skitters as a storyline should've been explored.
Secondly I thought the 'oh, my baby might be an alien' possible plotline was abandoned in season 2 then they bring it back and make it worse with a talking baby. Which is so lame. Also in a world where you have to hide from mechs and skitters; where exactly was Ann running off to with the baby? Tom's daughter seems very... 4400. They handled that whole situation and storyline poorly as well as the mole/skitter spy one.
The best thing they did was not fall for Karen's surrender nor the attempted planted seed of 'the Volhm are now our new enemy'. Also it looks like they're splitting up maggy and Hal for a lordes and Hal which I'm all for.
GameStop is just happy they won't have to share any profit with microsoft. But I thank them for doing their part with supposedly handing out informational fliers.
Every gamer who didn't just say It's just rumors. I don't care, it doesn't effect me. Or I'm getting both or buying it anyway despite the information released but raged against MS anti-consumer policies should pat themselves on the back right now. Great Job. Though activating the console for setup should be dumped as well as required Kinect. Still a few changes that need to be made but these are some huge steps in the right direction.
Now if only gamers would stand together against paying for online multiplayer we could all enjoy it for free like we should. Tell other gamers about what happened here today. Get those steam loyalist to see that making it known that you'll vote with your wallet and voicing your displeasure of steams DRM could get you a better future. After that get them to remove the no class action lawsuits policy. You have the power people because there is one truth that will always be the same. You don't need gaming but the industry needs you.
Blaiyan's comments