Blayrre_D's forum posts
[QUOTE="Dinky360"]Sony has failed on all fronts.
Better graphics
Better online
Better games
Better motion controller
Better 1080P
All these have been a disastrous FAILURE to what Sony was promising for 2 full years prior to the PS3 release.
So if there even is a PS4 do you think Sony will learn from there HUGE business lesson they have received and not think the consumers are so blind and dumb? And maybe be much more modest and just release a PURE game system next time and cut way back on all the BOGUS outlandish promises?
uh... all those are based on opinion.
you can't take facts out of opinions.
and, one more thing. BETTER is comparative.
an example is : the Wii is better than a blender.
in my opinion sony has provided better things in most of those fields.
motorstorm has much more photorealism than gears of war.
the online is free, and has a good community, when, compared to xbox live: not free, and a horrible community.
Better games?? you should have said a variety of games. that's the only thing sony has failed on. resistance is better than gears in every way, that's my opinion, but some people think otherwise.
xbox 360 doesn't even have a motion controller. boom headshot.
xbox 360 didn't even come with 1080p originally and they(microsoft) werent planning to implement it until they saw the ps3's capabilites.(in other words, a copy, just like the new 360 motion controls)
technically, x360 still cant do native 1080p. It has to upscaleuh huh...Anyone who think that will look half-decent has no idea whathe's talking about.
First of all, ALL HDTV televisions upscale incoming signals to their native resolutions (if the incoming resolutions differ from the TV's native res, that is,) secondly you're just allowing the receiver to upscale the image rather than the TV (and what does the receiver use, a Faroujda chip? A Reon?,) and thirdly it will STILL look terrible because the Wii is not outputting that resolution - thus the receiver (or whatever device is doing the upscaling) is just phonying the information in the picture, it's adding in information that does not exist in order to make it match the TV resolution (and THIS is why old consoles, and the Wii, do not look so hot on HDTV's.) The 360 and the PS3 output HD natively, the information is in the signal the console's output, that is why the games look so sharp and detailed.
Upscaling a 480i or 480p to a higher resolution won't, on any level, put the Wii on a visual par with its competitors.
Sorry, I am not interested in training to become a criminal.
With Sony and Nintendo working together to bring 1080p to the Wii, there is no need for a Batsu Baku 360.
It's not native 1080p, it's upscaled.The_Game21x
Didn't I already say that?
[QUOTE="Blayrre_D"][QUOTE="Shad0ki11"]My TV can do that too, but it doesn't make any of the games look any better.
That would depend on the TV. Most TVs internal scalers are not as good as external ones.
It functions the same.
Well, technically an American made car functions the same as a Japanese and European made cars.... just not as long.... or as well.... :D
[QUOTE="miss_kitt3n"]Wait... I thought sheep didn't care about HD/Graphics.wapahala
You just don't get it, do you?
Wii has great graphics.
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