I think there has been multiple times I have started a new blog post just to not bother finishing it. I am not sure what has held me back either. But I do like blogging, even if to get thoughts expressed for sake of getting them expressed so maybe I will try to update at least a little more.
Update since lat blog entry
Since I last blogged my XBox had broke and of course I sent it to get fixed. Pretty sure they sent me different one that I am not sure but it seemed like it was new rather than a refurbished model but somehow I doubt it has the much better slim model guts. Anyway, guess we what see how it goes. So far it has been great though.
What have I been playing?
Yeah...way too much to remember but I will take a shot at it. Not sure If I mentioned this but I have been on an old game kick for awhile now. There are ebenifits to this. First it is unlikely you have played even a quarter of the good games that have ever been made since gaming began. It would have costed too much and finding the time to play is very hard especially as you get older. Most old games can be found for either little or even no money dpending on what era you are talking about and if you aren't some weirdo that some issue with using emulators or have something against playing games roms of games that usually well out of print or over priced with the new wave of downloadable ****cs that probably won't carry over to future systems so that you probably have to buy them again. Remakes or upgraded version are the exception to me and worth you playing.
Finished: Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
A long time ago I know that I wrote a blog saying I was playing Kingdom Hearts on my PS2. This was legit, abeit used copy of the game by the way. Well here is the thing about that game. I only just finished a month or so ago so it took me years. The main problem was interest really. I would play it...lose interest for awhile..play it some more stop playing and so on till a little while back I decided to just commit fully. The last time I had played it I had just entered Monstro by the way to give you an idea on where I was at. Overall not a bad game. I think the controls could be better, the camera and I am not overly fond of the old school way of doing random encounters. I am not against the idea of them because I feel random fights are somewhat more realistic but the old enemies pop out of thin air thing is a mechanic that is pretty outdated even when this game came out originally. Oh I am not thrilled but long multi part boss battles without save points of course i speaking about the last boss. Look I beat the game as it is but I don't feel like creating a false difficulty by virtue of a game mechanic is good design. It is things like this that makes it no mystery why developers like Square and Japanese companies in general are not doing well these days. Planning on someday starting KH2 but needed a break from that kind game right now and wanted to play other things. (Rating: 7.5 out of 10)
Finished: Ocarina of Time (N64 version - Emulated)
This was like the third or fourth time I had started this game. I played this on a emulator using a PS2 pad which I like much better than the N64 pad which I actually do own and own a USB adapter for but the game just plays much better on a standard controller the PS2 one. Anyway I started from a save I had going from a while ago of which I don't remember exactly whereabouts it was I think though maybe very shortly after Link goes through that portal into the dark world or whatever it was. So as it has already been said this a a great game and it is shame that it took me this long to beat it. I plan on playing more Zelda games that I missed over the years including Majora's Mask too.
Finished: Links Awakening DX (Gameboy Color Emulated)
I imediately followed up Beating Ocarina with beating Links awakening. and honestly I do not remeber a lot about this one at this point but I don't remember not liking it just that it was a fairly standard Zelda game. Nothing remarkable which to me may mark one of Nintendo's biggest flaws in that they just release too many of thier prime game series too often. It makes it so less special and the Zelda series in particualr they are the worst with moreso visiable by Nintendo's seemingly inablity to tkae the seies somewhere different in story. That to me is really strange because the the Zelda series to me should have been one of the easiest to expand the lore. I just don't think the story always has to be the same Gannon kindnaps Zelda, Link needs to save her and oh yeah there be be some sort of time element and some other version of the world. (Rating: 7 out of 10)
Finished: GTA IV Lost & the Damned + Ballad of Gay Tony
I bought these years ago and beat the original game shortly after it came out but just now got around to doing the expansions. Lots of fun and loves these games. Hopeing the Rockstar never listens to thier critics who if they do would end up making the games stupid, easy and boring. (Rating 9 .5 out of 10)
Played: Burnout Paradise
Speaking of a game that is boring...yeah Burnout Paradise is it. You know there was a reason that arcade ****racing games never really did well when they were brought home to consoles and this is prime example of why. The game looks good but the handling is just soooo blah. No offense if this is your thing but I got to have meat to my driving game. It does not have to full on sim either but there is just something completely mind numbing to just hold down the gas and go driving. (Rating: 5 out of 10)
Finshed: Wasteland (PC DOS - Emulated)
You want old school. Wasteland is precursor to Fallout 1 published by EA in 1988 and made by Interplay. This was back in time when EA was a very different company. They were very creative and made some of the best games they ever had. This was one I that I remember back in the day seeing ads for in magazines and rememer as kid stading around waiting for parents to finish thier shoiing at our local mall in Babbages staring at the ;ackage wishing I could buy it. Of course I never ending up getting it since I was only a kid and we didn't have the mony to buy everything but now many years later thank to the power of the internet I could play it and did. First thin is first when you play old games you have to put yourself in a different mindset. Technology did not allow for what it does today so it is what it is and that perspective is always needed. Wasteland is an ok RPG. You can see where fallout got its roots from and its' story is pretty good. That being said this is not a game that I would reccomend people playing. Not because it is old because there are many OLD game that I would tell people they should play but this game I don't think holds up well at all. The PC version had EGA graphics which which actual graphics aside the color pallet is what really stands out as bad if you have ever seen games of that time you will know what I mean. Pinks and turquise all the way! Oh and there is no sound or music. Yeah. As I said a long time ago in the blog graphics are not everything, nor is sound and music but they do help to enrich the experience. But is ok and it was what they had at thier disposal the time.
Finished: Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 (Xbox 360)
Played throught these both coop with my fiancee'. Great games, lots fun and just more proof that a Zombie game can be good with good resposive controls if it is designed for it.
Finished: Kid Icarus (NES - Emulated)
Ok no lying here. I did not beat this game fair and square and I straight up used save states as well as some FAQ maps. This was a game that I wanted to revisit as I rmember my friend playing it and me watching him when I was a kid. I didn't remember much about the game other than its general level layout and design such as the verticle crolling and the room to room maze like maps as well as remember things like the Eggplant Wizrds. I also rmembering that the game was really hard. Upon retrying the game many years later make no mistake the game IS really hard. Other than trying the game again the other point here was see who was right on whther this game was good or not. The answer is that Kid Icarus is ok but hardly great. It certainly isn't all that fun. I should note that my first reall attempt at this game was without any aid of save states or maps and found it a real test of patience. I am sure the game is bneatable without using this stuff but the question is do you really want to do what it woulkd take to accomplish it? I make it perfectly clear if you read my blogs that I play old games I do not mind a challenge in them but there is a difference between challenge in game vs. game mechanics that just made the game harder. For example I do not know how many times I died because I feel through a platform. This happens because the games duck feature seconds as means to drop off the platform you are on to one below. Ok right? Problem is the rarely allows for you to do this safely as fopr instance with vertically scrolling levels that constantly scroll up shortly after you start them cutting off anything below as it moves so when you fall off the screen you instead of landing on what might have been there before you now just die. The extreme limited range of you arrows is kind of annoying too. Overall yuo can see what this game is kind of forgotten by Nintenedo or at least tried to be. I don't hate the game but if you give it a try it will not take you long to see why it does not belong in the same catagory as other games made byt them in that era like Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda or Metroid
Now PLaying: Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (PC)
Becuase I never really played too far into originally and alway wanted to go back. PC version the way to go no question by the way because mods can make the game so much better in every way. I using mods that change thing like graphics, UI and add some new weps and monsters with this playing keeping it mostly a vanilla experience but I would like to go through again using an FCOM modded version later on top of these mods so I can get a whole new experience time permitting of course.
Palyed: Splosion Man (XBox 360)
Love it but don't think I am close to beating it. As you may have heard it is hard and hard in a way that can inherintly make it frustrating since it demands pertfection. Still though...great game.
Neverwinter Nights 2 + Mask of the Betrayer + Storm of Zehir + Mysteries of Westgate (PC)
Great...except for the game breaking bugs still present especially in the base game. Not great is Storm of Zehir. This game changes the ****of the game and I just found it to be very boring. I was thrilled to finish it just to get it over.
More Played?
Probably...but it has been so long since my last post its hard to remember everything.
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