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BlazikenTails64 Blog

Ichi! Juu! Hyaku! Sen!

Manjoume Thunder!

Okay,I doubt any of you guys will understand that reference.:P

Unless you watch YGO GX in Japanese.:|

I did once, and I really enjoyed it.

But believe it or not I prefer the 4Kids! version. :cry:

Don't kill me!


I photocopied some of my art to give to my friends. I know photocopying stuff isn't real art but I really don't have the time, patience and skills to draw it again.:|

I photocopied Noah Kaiba, Seto Kaiba with a moustache and a drawing I did of Chazz.:P (Manjoume)

Don't you hate it when you like both the English and Japamese names and can't decied which is better? :cry:

Yes, Jun Manjoume is Chazz's Japanese name.:P

I should really turn a light on.:|

*turns on light*

There we go!:P

I just turned it off.


I just turned it back on! :D

It's awfully hot in here.:|

How come I keepy getting less comments? Either my blogs are boring, or there are lurkers, everywhere. :|

Okay, time for me to talk about school.

Deal with it. 8)

I had English first. We watched more Strictly Speaking.

In Maths we did...mathematical stuff.

In Food Stduies these 2 chefs from a club in town came and taught us about presenatation in our meals. I personally don't care about presentation, but it's in my assignment.:|

They cooked up some stuff, 4 meals, and we got to trry it! For free! :D

We could only use plastic forks supplied by the school and take bites.

Since most of the stuff contained meat, I only had the vegge with bread thing and rice.

I also had salmon.

Vegetarians are allowed to eat salmon.


In Science we watched about volcanoes.

In Anime Club we watched an anime that I can't remember what it was called, but it was mainly for boys. You could tell by the...*ahem* fanservice.:|

But it was funny.:P

Oh, it's Naruto's birthday today.:|

It's Random Acts of Kindness Week!:|

People in school give cards and do something kind, like say a compliment, and the person who has the card is tagged. They have to pass it on.:P

I only got 1 card! :cry:

Okay, I should go.:|





Sunday night.

Boring title is boring.

Hey guys I'm just typing this up to say that I might not be posting blogs on Sunday anymore.


Well, it's a school night, nothing interested happens on Sundays, and I never get the time.:P

Though I went outside to my tent today and fell asleep in it.:| Woke up at 6PM, walked inside, Mum told me to do my chore I was supposed to do half an hour ago. I told her I fell asleep. She told me to do it anyway. In the dark, outisde.:|

It was picking up dog poop.:|

At least I got $5 which I am not allowed to spend. Mum keeps bugging me to save my money.


Oh, Australia are in the semi-final in Rugby Union.:D

I cut myself again, and because I don't have any band-aids, I have to use pressure to stop the bleeding. Why won't it stop bleeding? I eat my vegie-tables.:|

Oh crap, I didn't do my homework! :shock:




Strange day.

Hey guys, let me tell you about day!:|


I woke up at 8:35 AM. I sually wake up later.:|

I had some Mountain Dew and a vegemite sandwich...for breakfast.:|

Mum and Dad eventually wake up. I listen to my iPod Touch and did stuff on the internet.:|

They were talking to Marc through the phone. He was driving home and it was stormy.:|

Apparently it was hailing and raining. There was lightning too.:|

After that, we noticed that the clouds were dark. Really dark.:|

I was watching 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?' The American version) on the Comedy Channel.:|

I was waiting for Adventure Time to come on.:|

Then, the television went out.:|

Most of the power went out. Except some things still had some power like the toaster (which wasn't toasting) and the light in my room.:|

We had...a brown out. It's similar to a black out.:|

I was annoyed because I wanted to watch Advneture Time, which I ended up missing out on.:|

I went out to my tent with Diesel. There was no blue sky, only clouds.:|

It started to rain.:|

I trapped Diesel in the tent with him He wanted to get out. I let him out, even though he hates the rain.:|

Even though I (sort of) knew it was going to rain, I stayed in the tent.:|

It rained. I stayed in the tent for a while.:|

It was getting extremely windy. The rain was pouring. I heard thunder. I saw a flash of lightning.:|

Dad came out and called my name. he suggested I go inside. He went back inside to get my umbrella.:|

The rain died down.:|

When he came to the tent I ran to the house so Dad could use the umbrella.:|

After a while it stopped raining. Then Marcus appeared.:|

Us (the family spoke) for a while.:|

He said he saw a tree being sliced in half by lightning.:|

He said he also saw two trees on fire.:|

I showed him one of my YGO cards. He kept telling me it was fake to annoy me.:|

But I knew they were real. I looked it up on the internet.:|

Marcus then put stuff from his place from Sunshine Coast to his room. He is slowly moving back into this house.:|

He finished University in November.:|

Then Marcus went to his GF's house.:|

Then Dad checked the power of the house. :|

The power went back on.:|

We had our power out for at least 1-3 hours.:|

I stayed in my room most of the time listening to Japanese music.:|

For lunch I had a cookie and vanilla ice cream.:|

For dinner I had carrot, celery and white rice.:|

Mum and dad were having stir fry. They were drinking a glass of wine in front of me.:|

They asked if it was alright ifthey did that.:|

It was bugging me, but overall I didn't mind.:|

Afterwards, we all had a Paddle Pop.

Lick-A-Prize has started again.:|

After I finish this blog I shall enter the codes onto the Paddle Pop website.:|

But first I need an ending picture for this blog.:|



I can't find any good images.:|

Rage face.

I am really annoyed now.

I went to my Woolworths account to end my draft submission in. It was blank. It said 'Not accepting any more job submission when it said I HAD UNTIL THE 10TH TO SUBMIT IT. :x I didn't submit it on Monday because Dad wanted Mum to check it and it's kind of hard considering she's always working during my free time. :x

Anyway, it's nearly midnight. This blog is late because I was going through the whole job thing and I was drawing a birthday picture for SETO-FREAKING-KAIBA. Now I have to draw Pegasus, his birthday is tomorrow. -_-

My friend at school draw a picture for SETO-FREAKING-KAIBA'S birthday. It's funny.: She also drew a Yami Bakura Pony! :o

In Maths we did shape stuff.:|

In SOSE I (sneakily) didn't do any work.

In Art we did stuff and had a look at some body surrealism.

In English we discussed topics of what makes a good Australian rolemodel and how respected they are, stuff like that.

At Lunch I checked the noticeboard for the awards list. There was a giant crowd. :| I got 1 award for academic acheievement. Woohoo, same thing as last year! :roll: Nearly all of my friends get 2 awards each! :cry: One of my friends was Top 10% of Grade 8, which I am extremely shocked at. :o

In Anime Club today we watched something called...actually I can't remember what it was called.:P It had 3 girls and they were looking for a female magician to help them on their travels but they could only get this guy and he was drunk at first and not that bright.:|

If that makes sense.:P

Gosh, it feels so wierd not watchign footy tonight.:?

I watched Rugrats and Spongebob Squarepants today.:D Patrick's song went from his sandwich named Fred, to his pencil, to his pointy head, then him losing a round to broccoli. :lol:

I just finished replying to my PMs.:)

Well, it's nearly midnight.:|





Steve Jobs died.

Early blog is early.

Dad said he heard on the radio that Steve Jobs died. :(

R.I.P Steve.

Today, school was a little boring.:|

In Science we did more stuff on volcanoes.:|

In English we did more stuff on our assignment, and I got homework today! First time I had homeowrk all week! And it's Thursday! :lol:

At the start of each English teacher, my teacher writes an incorrect sentence on the board, and we have to fix it.
I laughed that the Brisbane Broncos didn't get in the grand final, and my teacher supports that team. Then he wrote a sentence about Darren Lockyer being the best player in football. :lol: I said he isn't.
Then my teacher wrote 'No he isn't," said Lauren.

Then he asked who my favourite footballer was. I like all the Rabbitohs players so I said Nathan Merrit.

Then he wrote 'Nathan Merrit is."

Of course the sentence was incorrect so the students couldfix it. :lol:

When I mean incorrect I mean bad grammmar and such.:P

In Maths we did measurements. BORING.

In Media we did our anime assesment. We had to choose either a picture of a samurai or a girl, both faceless. Then we had to draw faces on them and colour their hair and clothes. Mine had pink and blonde hair and had her eyes closed.:| We also had to describe the person.

Me and my freind after school got dropped off at the shopping centre. We went to GameTarders.:D On the tv there was a trailer for Sonic Generations.:o My friend bought some Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. She bought a normal pack and a 5D's pack. She reckons half the cards she got were crap.:| But they were pretty! D=

I decided to buy some too. These were going to be my very first YGO cards!:P I got an extremely old booster pack. It has Yami Yugi on the front! :o It says Rise of Destiny. It was the last one in store.:|They were mainly filled with Spell and Trap cards. XD

That was $6.:|
I only had enough money to buy either a Jaden Yuki pack, a Chazz Princeton pack, or a Crow pack.:|

.......I got the Chazz one.:|

Most of the cards I got are really good.

................................I'm not so sure about Ojama Green though.

There is a YGO Tournament going on. My friend would enter but she doesn't have a proper deck yet.
I wouldn't enter, I only have 15 cards! :lol:

The staff at GameTraders need to know how many people are interested in the tournament so they can tell Konami and get started.:P

Okay, I'm hungry.



Funny how this blog went from Steve Jobs, to school, then to YGO. :P

Pointless title

Hello guys.

I nearly forgot to blog tonight.

Next door has a visitor's dog, and Diesel wouldn't shut up. He knowsn he's not supposed to bark for more than 10 minutes, and he did.

In Art we just did work.:|

In Big RAS we played T-Ball.

In Parade there was a black guide dog! :oops: So cute.:)

It was because at school (I wasn't here for this, I was at Sunny Coast) they raised up to $500 (more than needed) for Guide Dogs.:D The money allowed 3 puppies to become guide dogs.:D

In Smart moves we did a thing called Silly relays.

You run to the Lacrosse thingy, grab it, put it standing on the ground, put our heads on the top, while running around it 10 times. :lol: There was little time left so I didn't get a chance to do it.:P

I didn't want to anyway.:|

In HPE we learned some stuff on Health and Wellness.

In Science we learned about volcanoes.:|

I've been ona volcano once.

But it's extinct.:|

It's in my town.:|

People live on it, and there are trees on it.:|

Wait....Kazuki Takahashi's birthday was on Tuesday? How did I not know this? :cry:

In case you don't know, he created Yu-Gi-Oh!:|

Wow, this has become an incredibly short, boring and pointless blog. -_-






*is scratching leg*

It's itchy! :x

Hey guys, my first day of school for this Term started.

First up I had HPE. We played Ultimate Disc and Frisbee Golf. After a while I felt terrible because I was running so much.

In Food Studies we continued on with our assignment.

In Media we had to design an anime character individually. Mine looks okay. We were allowed to use super expensive skin tone pencils! :o And when I mean expensive, I mean each pack is like, $30! :shock:

In SOSE, we did some research on sustainability.

When I arrived to school my friend looked so upset. She said her father is in hospital and if he suffers a stroke, he could die.:( Though I cheered her up, as well as some other friends with pictures I have on my iPod Touch. That's right, Mum let me bring my iPod Touch to school! :D Just so could show the pictures.:P Finally I can delete them!:|

*deletes most of them*

I now only have 4 images in my iPod Touch.

Let's see, a picture of Seto Kaiba, a picture of, Chazz Princeton (I kept it because his facial expression is hilarious :lol: ) and a smiling corgi.

Wait..I just deleted the Spongebob picture. 3 images on my iPod Touch now.:P

Dad is getting in the shower. This is a very unsual time for him.:P

Time, to update on the birthdays! 8)

Today was my friend's birthday and I completely forgot.:|
So was Yugi's Grandpa's birthday! :o
IslandBros15's birthday is someday this month.
milesprower2k9's is tomorrow.
Maximillion Pegasus' is on the 7th.
Naruto's is on the 10th! :o
Miyuki Takara's is on the 25th!
The same date goes for SETO-FREAKING-KAIBA.
L's is on the 31st!

Dad is making dinner now. No, not in the shower. He's out of the shower now.

He's ahead of me in Portal! :cry:

I watched Rove LA today, and he went to the LA County Fair to try some food.

There was so much disgusting food!

Chocolate pickles and chocolate bacon!

Deep fried Twinkies, deep fried zucchini, deep fried Oreos, deep fried watermlon in a stick, deep fried everything!


But then Rove tried something. A chicken burger, with a Krispy Kreme doughnut as the bun.

...He enjoyed it.:|

Well, I better go now.




Look I know, the toys may not be affliated with the tv show, but this is brand new. If this had to do with the show, there are a few things wrng with it.

Pinkie doesn't wear clothes.

She never knew what parties were until she saw a Sonic Rainboom.

She was super depressed at her rock farm as a filly.


*sigh* Kids toys.:|


Nothign to see here.:|

Feeling the flow.

*is drinking lemonade*

Gah, where are all these bubbles coming from?:x

Hello ladies and germs.:|

*hits a moth*

Now to explain the blog title.

Despite the ongoing lawsuit with 4Kids about YGO, they are still dubbing the newest season, ZEXAL. I saw the preview. The edited Kotori's skirt, which is understandable. It's way too short. Anyway, in the Japanese version of ZEXAl, Yuma is known for saying 'Kattobingu' which translates into a couple of things, like 'Rise to victory'. But it is more known for it's derpy translation, 'Pop fly' or 'Pop flying'. In the English, dub, Yuma says 'Feeling the flow'.

Today, was a Pupil Free Day, so I did not start school today.:|

I did play Mario Kart Wii online, and had great fun. I won some races, and I lost some.

This guy was visiting our house (I think it was for a quote) so I had to take Diesel for a walk so he wouldn't jump all over the man. Diesel was misbehaving, he kept walking in front of me. I nearly tripped over him. :x

I saw my neighbour. She was feeling good, though she had work.:|


I was going to apply for Woolworths but I can't find where I have to do it. It's online somewhere. :roll:

All of my lemonade is gone! D:


Wait...the rest is in the fridge.:|

My bad.:|

I jsut left this blog and started reading something.:|

Dave Taylor is playing ARL for the Kangaroos!:D

*does a dance*

Actually, I didn't do a dance.


I just took the cover off my iPod Touch. The iPod Touch itself is very...dirty.:| I didn't my iPod was silver! :o

I'm kidding, I'm just use to it being black. It's cover is black.:|

There are people talking outside. I don't recognise their voices. I'm freaking out.:|

If you don't hear from me, I'm dead.:|

Diesel just barked.:|

I don't know if they are gone, or still here.
Diesel just went to the other side of the yard, the side closest to my room. He just barked. He stopped. Odd.:?

I could just be overeacting. I hear thumping.:|

Maybe it's a friend of my neighbours.

Maybe someone working, like an electrician.

At night? :?

Spongebob: ...At night. 8)

Okay, I was worried for no reason just that. It was probably some random blokes.:P

Okay, I start school tomorrow. So I better go.



id eat that

I'd eat it....what?

Footy Fever!

*is eating a band-aid*

Ew, no I'm not! :?


*shifty eyes*

Hello guys. oday was the NRL Grand Final. First,t hey showed a game, Canterbury Bulldogs VS Auckland Vulcans. Bulldogs won. 8) Then there was the younger teams, North Queensland Cowboys VS NZ Warriors. I wanted the Cowboys to win! They were winning! At full time it was 30-30, because the Cowboy player missed the goal. Then Warriors did a field goal and won! :cry: But both games were at Grand Final standards. 8)

But then the NRL Grand Final started. Manly Sea Eagles vs NZ Warriors. It wasn't much grand final material being shown, but there were some highlights. I wanted Warriors to win. But no, the referees had to be crap and not notice certain things that Manly did and they got away with it! :x Does that sentence make sense?:|

Manly won. :x I dislike Manly. :x

At the start they had Kelly Clarkson sing!:| Then there was the NZ dance thingy., and the crowd was awesome at it! 8) Then Eskimo Joe! :D At least the power didn't go out, like one time a few years back! :lol: A few years ago Billy Idol was the guest singer. His entrance was awesome, but the power went out, so he didn't have time to sing! :|

At halftime, (like al NRL grand finals), the Black Hawk flew by. It's a helicopter. Then on televison it showed the floods in Australia and the earthquakes in NZ (and I think also Japan). That was emotional.:|

Oh, yesterday I said I was going to New Zealand.:P Yes, I'm going to New Zealand, but not now! I meant to show that I was supporting NZ!:P

Marcus and Jess went to Hungry Jacks and bought food for themselves,but the gave me onion rings, a drink and TWO sundaes! :D The sundaes made me fll, even though they are small. I also didn't eat dinner.:|

Speaking of Marcus, he went back to Sunsine Coast today, during the grand final, so he missed it.

Marcus was barely here, and he's gone already.:|

Wow, all I did today was eat and watch TV.:| This is not like me.:|

Let's update on October birthdays, shall we?

Maximillion Pegasus.
One of my freinds.:|

I know I say SETO-FREAKING-KAIBA too much but it just does't sound right when I say his name without saying FREAKING.:|

I went to see my neighbour today. I haven't seen her in a long time. Turns out she was sleeping.:|



But apparently she has been feeling unwell. Hope she gets better.:?

I cut myself today andthe cut wouldn't stop bleeding.:| Until I got a second band-aid.:| As you can imagine (or not), the first one was covered in blood.

Okay, I have to got fill in an application form online.





Hey, it's finally the 1st of October!:P But in 2 hours it will be the 2nd! :o And thanks to you guys (the audience:P) I now have new birthdays for this month.

Naruto's birthday either on the 11th of the 10th. Too lazy to check.:P
It's milesprower2k9's birthday this month. (When?)
Oh and don't forget SETO-FREAKING-KAIBA.

I seriously want to watch the Supernatural anime now.:|

But I don't want to watch it in Japanese.:|

Frozen cow juice.:|

While watching TV tonight the wind outside was...breezy.:| I was really worried about my tent. I was outisde with Diesel just watching it. It was cold outside, but it wasa nice type of cold temperature. I could only see a couple of stars.

This morning Marcus offered me a game of Mario Kart.:D He played as Bowser but then realised he sucked so he played as Toad instead. I was Luigi. We were playing on our parent's black Wii so I didn't have all the unlocked karts, bikes and characters. I stiil beat Marcus, though he did pretty good too. Then I gave Dad 2 rounds of the game. He was getting used to it, but I still kicked his butt.:|

Then I decided to play Time Trials so I could unlock Toadette.:| That was hard, so I just did Gran Prix. that was hard too, soI read the newspaper in my tent. That was easy. Marcus was in the newspaper, again! XD For what? The same reason from last time! XD He was playing Rugby Union as a reserve for the same team.

Apparently the referees were the crappiest referees ever. This is what Marc told me.:| Then he said the opposing teamhad ANTONIO KAUFUSI.

He use to play for the Newcastle Knights, which is an NRL team!!!!!!!!! He also use to play for the Melbourne Storm.

Holy crap! :o

Well, I guess he use to live here so, yeah.:P

This reminds me of the time when I got my photo taken with Dave Taylor. Good times. I got photos taken with other players of course, I made a whole blog about my 3 day disappearance!:|

Sorry, I just hvae footy fever. Why?



Apparently it's "The team nobody likes VS the team nobosy supports". I heard that on The League Lounge. :P

I'm going to New Zealand! :D


I hate Manly Sea Eagles, I just don't like them. :x

I saw Ben Ross do a mini dance once! XD

I can do the Hugh Jackman dance! :o

It's a $tyle of danciing where you walk. :lol:

Spicy mud pants.:|

Okay, If I don't do my chore, Mum is going to keep bugging me about it until I lose my mind. She always does that.




Cooool. :o
Look at Kirby in the last panel! So cute!