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BlazikenTails64 Blog

Lest We Forget.

I'm not paying attention to Easter Monday. I'm paying attention to ANZAC Day.

I've explained this 3 times while I've been here on GS, but I'll have to explain it again.

ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Core. It;s like Rememberance Day.
I remmeber in Year 7 I went to the front and flowers at the front.
My Music teacher actually took a photo of me, edited it, to make the hole picture black and white except the flowers. They were just red.
He even put it up the wall. :o

So, I had a minute of silence.:) I dare not to watch the news because it would be too depressing, about our dead soldiers and such. *sigh*

Lest We Forget.

Okay, now to tell you something.:|

I talked about my music teacher just then.:P

His brother is the Surfing Scientist, Ruben Meerman.:|


He used that A LOT.:P

He wrote science books, had his own tv show, and appears on tv, mostly on ABC 1.:P

In his first book, he dedictaed it to his 'little brats'.:P

I know those people!:D

But they don't like me.:|

All well, that was primary school, I'm in Year 9 now!:P

I have to remember to steal those memes off Ammo and post them in my journal on DevArt.:|

I'm getting that union glitch again :x

You know, how it sends you to the 1st page after you post?: |It happened to me a coupke of times last night :x

I hope everyone had a good easter yesterday! :D

We played Wii Sports last night, but as I was playing tennis with Marc, he got a mingraine.:(

I couldn't go to sleep last night due to his coughing.

But eventually, I slept.:|

He's fine now though ;)

Too much chocolate.:P

Today I played Rayman raving abbids TV Party with Dad. I beat him at EVERYTHING. :lol:On that game.:|

But he was a rookie, he had fun.:P




I want to play Sonic Colours NOW! :x

And also....

Type that in your thingamabobbie...TOASTER CAT!:|

Happy Easter!

Okay, fine. Ignore my last blog. It was crap anyway.:P

But go there if you wish to see if the Rabbitohs won or not.:x

Anyway, its Easter Sunday.

I'm going to tell you some facts about me that has to do with Easter.

I don't visit relatives or friends, and they don't visit us. They're either busy or sleepy.

I DON'T get presents for Easter unlike everyone else.

I don't eat much chocolate either.

I'm watching Spongebob.

Spongebob: Good afternoon sir. May we interest you in some Chocolate? ;)
Fish: Chocolate? Did you just say chocolate? :x
Patrick: Yes sir! With or without nuts.:D


Happy Easter everybody :)

I gave Marcus an Easter card I made at school. I think he went toa party.:P

For breakfast I ate a carrot. What?:P i wanted a carrot.:|
Then I ate a chocolate egg and a small one.
Then, for the first time ever, I tried porridge made by Dad.:D

I told Mum that I ONLY wanted a choclate egg and bunny.

She gave me a lot more. :evil:

I'm getting sick of her buying me so much junk food. i tell her not to buy it, but she does anyway. :x

I don't want to gain weight. :x

This is what I hate about shops. Healthy food are MORE EXPENSIVE than junk food. :x

Happy Easter! :D

Wait...I already said that.




What's this I don't even....:|

Easter Saturday.

I just made a whole funny picture blog, I click on the tab, and it closes. :x

GRR! :x

I'll only show this pic then.

Great, I can't even show you the picture because it has class in it.:x

Just go to and look for the Portal 2 image.


Rabbitohs VS Bulldogs tonight.

I'm listening to Shinedown. 8)

Well, the whole family is.:|



No picture for you! :x

EDIT: S keeps changing :|

WE LOST! :cry:

Though some tries by Bulldogs were cheated. They used forward passes.

Sam Burgess might have broken his ankle in a tackle though D:

You could tell he was screaming in pain.:(

Roberts (can't remember his first name) was also injured. he was a good player too.

I really hope they are alright.

Some Bulldog players waited with Burgess before he got help. How nice, even though their team has a dirty player.:|

32-24 I think.:|

Rio! :D

At 11AM I wet to the movies with Marc, Jess, her sister Ash to go watch Rio! :D

Blue was voiced by that guy from The Social network.

Blu is such a nerd.:P

The movie was awesome, 9/10. 8)

But it is predictable.:|
I had to give Marcus the moneyIi got from nan for Easter to pay for the tickets :cry:

This woman in the audience, laughed at EVERYTHING! :x

Marcus wanted to punch her in the face.:|

The trailers were saw before the movie started were:

Winnie the Pooh
Cars 2 (Got to admit, the explosion was awesome)
McDonalds -_-
And the Puss in Boots movie! :lol:

Oh, and we see posters for Winnie the Pooh, Cars 2, Hangover 2, Hoodwinked Too (its called that) and Harry Potter 7 Part 2. As we were going to our room...

The Justin Bieber movie was so loud, thank goondess we werent watching it.:P

Anyway, me, Dad and Mum went to Video Ezy afterwards.

Since its the holiday,s EVERY WEEKLY RENTAL WAS $1!:|

Usually they're $3-$5.:P

In the Anime section, a lot of the Inuyashas were rented out XD

I got:

The Emperor's new Groove

The Other Guys

Planet 51

InuYasha 2: The castle beyond the looking glass. (last time I borrowed this movie it messed up :x)

And The Nightmare before Christmas (Blu-Ray, so I have to watch it in the lounge room)

They got:

The Expendables

RED (I've wanted to see this movie so badly XD)

Inception (Blu Ray)

And they BOUGHT The last house on the left for $5.:|

I wanna see Tangled! D:

But its not released yet.:|

They had posters for it though and WANTED: Flynn Rider papers.:|

We watched Planet 51 and it was so glitchy, it went straight to the credits! x


Video Ezy is gonna get it cleaned though, tomorrow! :x

Oh, I want to tell you guys something.:|

WhenI first got KH 358/2 days, i found Wonderland amusing.:)

ThenI got sick of going there for mission! :x

So, on my birthday, when Igot the first KingDom hearts....GAH! :x Wonderland. ;x

So here are worlds thatI want to see in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (even if they haven't been used or not):

Emperor's new Groove world (wherever that is:P)
Halloween Town (I love halloween Town in the games I have)
Tangled world (I haven't seen the movie, but I lol'd at the trailer whenI saw Despicable Me in cinemas)
Of course the Olympus Coliseum!:P
Brother bear world (Alaska, I know but cool right?)

And others!:|

Thats the worlds i would like to see!:P

Okay, Good Friday!:D

My friends are complaining due to their lack of meat.:|

HA!:P I can survive, I've been a vegetarian for...umm...*counts*...Boxing Day 2009! 8)

Oh, something happened on DeviantART. (DevArt for short)

I got a message saying a won a pack for muro.:D
But then I got another message saying I got it for the wrong contest, and I entered in a different one, but they let me keep it due to the error!:D
And because I participated in the One Clock, One Cat, On Fruit contest thingy! :D

I got the muro brush pack for free! :D


Normally, you would have to pay.:|
But I got it for....


That's right, FREE! :D

I think.:|

It's not working properly though.:P

Muro is like an drawing pad on DevArt! :D


I'm so happy!:)

Well, I finally have Gimp on this laptop, so now I can FINALLY scan those pictures and upload them on DevArt.:P

My parents are watching RED now.:|

And I might too.:)





It's Earth Day!:)

DJ Boy

Yes, I'm finally a DJ Boy!:P

Okay, I wasn't gonna blog today, but oh well.

GS runs super slow on my computer for some eason. :( *sniff* :cry:

That's why I can barely speak to my freind on here.

Now, time for YouTube videos! :D

Seems like YouTube is slow too :?

I usually watch YouTube on my iPod :P

Squidville is Full of Idiots

May says Chocolate

That is all.:|


Okay, something od just happened.

Dad went out to pick Mum up from work. (her care is broken)

ThenI see Marcus in the house.

I thought he left.

He came back apparently.

Mum calls me if I want to go to the shops so I won't be alone.:|

Wait...that was BEFORE I saw Marc....:|


I can't beleive its Wednesday already..............I gotta go back to school next Wednesday.

IN QLD we only get 9 days of holidays. Other states get 2 weeks. WTF? :?

This makes me mad ;x

Well, this only works for Easter holidays.:P

I won't be here tomorrow.:|

Turkey sandwich.:|

Okay....I might go see Rio at the cinema with Marcus, Jessica and her sister, Ash.:D

Funny, when we first met (me and Ash) we went and saw Despicable Me.

Fact: These are movies I've seen in cinemas.

Lilo & Stitch

Rugrats go wild

Finding Nemo

Spongebob Movie (on my birthday ;))

Indiana Jones 4

Despicable Me.


That's possibly in order.:|


Turkey sandwich.:|


Oh, and hour ago, me, Dad and Marcus watched Adventure Time Finn and jake were inside a video game! :O

It was so funny! :lol:

Marcus caught that other legendary...verizon or something.:|

Then he claims he cauht a Venusaur in thw wild :roll:

I caught a Tropius, Frillish, Golbat, and more.:|





Snooping as usual I see.

Haha, yes while I was watching tv I decided to change the channel to KidsCo, and Sonic the Hedgehog was on.:P
And I'm like,Hey! Robotniksaid Pingas!' :D

For those who don't understand the reference:

Yep, it sounds funny.:P

Here are some videos with the word 'Pingas!':|

His name is Butch, not Pingas.

Spongebob says Pingas.

The Ugly Pingas.

That's all I'm showing, because some on YoutubeI found were pretty bad, soI decided to stop.


Oh, last night for dinner, we ate pizza.

I cleaned my room! D:

I mean...:D


Plwease read my previous blog.:)
If you don't...I'll be all sad...:(

AND I'LL *insert controversial threat here*


Munchgun Don't exist.:|

They DON'T.:|

You see, I havea sicentific explanation so you see-

Ineed Sonic's help!:|

I remember (I think it was last year) when I made a goodbye blog (I left for 3 days) and Tails Doll took over the blog.:|

I remember nearly ALL of my blogs! XD



Get out of here! :x

My laptop is charging as I type, which I shouldn't do.:|

I'm very uncomfortable.:|

Oh! I forgotto mention! :o

I completed Pokemon Black! :

Funny, I reviewed it yesterday, and I complete it today. What a world.:|

Anyway, I relly hate Ghetsis now! :x

N is much better :x

Guess what i caled my Reshiram?

Go on...guess.





No! :x

I called him Fluffy. XD

Marcus: I'm up to the Elite Four!

Me: Same here! *shows me battling 3rd trainer*

My team was:

Cobalion Lv 42.

Audino Lv 44.

Samurott Lv 55

Krookodile Lv 51

Beartic (just caught) Lv 37

Zebstrika Lv 43

Their levels are different now.

Marcus: NO! Stupid ghost trainer!

Me: Do you have any waters?

Marcus: NO! :x

Me: Then I don't know how to help you.:|

As I was going to Black City, I nearly was destroyed by trainers with pokemon that were level 60 and over! :x

Except the Porygon-Z.

Good thingI just made it.:)

I caught in the wild, a Marowak, a Fearow and a Gilgar!:|

Funny, Marc got his game 2 weeks ago, and I got mine a 2 months ago? :?

Isn't he supposed to be studying, not playing?:P


Okay, that's enough! :x

Okay, seriously. Robotnik intrduing my blog saying a silly word is annoying me. Is it annoying you guys? :x

Goodnight everybody.:)


carpet python

Such a cute carpet python! :D

Time to rock and roll.

You know, I still have to get used to Sonic's voice in Sonic Colours. He has a different voice actor, I think.:|

Random blog title, I know.:P


The start is stuck in my head! :cry:

Jess (Marc's GF) just got me a Kinder uprise! :D

Let's see what's inside*shakes egg*

Wow! :o


I just ate it. It was nice.:)

The toy is a cute little............porcupine thing! :D

With...freakishly large hands.:|

You can strecth its arms.:)

How cute :)

Man, I loved getting Kinder Surprises as a kid.:P

Okay, I hope you liked yesterdays blog. I mean, it was such a dumb question to ask Sonic! XD

Okay I feel lethargic now.:(

All I ate today was Weet-Bix, maltesers, a few poppers, and pizza.

Not much healthy stuff.:?

Anyway, yesterday, I was left alone with Marcus.:|He got his Xbox 360 to the lounge room to connect to Xbox live. He can't read the tiny words on his tony tv, so he had to use the huge tv.:| He wanted to install some updates. And he imported some music from Guitar Hero metallica to be played on Warriors of Rock. When he typed in the code, it says he had to pay, even though it was free.
Then he got an Retro Arcade game collection.:|
For free!:o
There was also a Shinedown pack for GH he wanted to badly................but it costs money.:|:x

Also, Mum got a job, cleaning at one of the hospitals here. She lieks it.:D

But while she was at work she missed out on the Rabbitohs game! D:

So we taped it.:|

I mean, the dragons didn't deserve to win. They were offside, too close, and hurt our players.

We didn't get any points! D:

I just went to say Thank You to jess.

Turns out she got the same one! XD

But she gave it to me.:|

I can't believe she didn't want it.:|

I might make some video game reviews tonight.

Also, I watched Adventure Time.

The piggys in silly costumes WERE evil! :o

And they were allergic to ice cream.:|

I also watched American Dad! today.

Too funny. :lol:

I've been watching YouTube lately, watching funny Pokemon, Simpsons Spongebob, KH and Sonic stuff XD

Also some music too.:|

To think the orginal voice of Brock had his own band.:P

Gosh.....I hate it when i feel lethargic.:

Ibetter go walk my dog tomorrow! 8)


Yeah, the rain is back. -_-

Oh, today I was left alone with Marcus again today. He was playing Pokemon White.

Marcus: I've only had this game for 2 weeks and My Zebstrika is Level 45!

Me: Shut up!

Marcus Crap! A Legendary! Cobalion.

Me: Cool.

He kept rubbing it in my face, but we agreed that if he told me where Cobalion was, I would tell him how to get past the quicksand in the desert.


I sort of helped him.:|

He also gave him 4 Maltesers out of generosity.:)

I caught Cobalion with a nest ball. I called him Surprise.

I'm up to the Elite Four, but their so hard! :x

In other words, I suck at this game. :| :lol:


I'm still sick.



Joey's Rattata! :x

Why all the hate?

Here's a serious matter. Hate. It's a strong word. Hating someone means that you want to rip their heads off, feed it to ants and smothering it in poop.:|

Many people hate other people for no exact reason.

People hate Justin Bieber for his high voice, popularity and fangirls. I understand, I highly dislike him. But I don't *hate* him. heck, I nearly sang on of his songs once, I nearly hated MYSELF for that reason.:P

People hate Twilight due to the over-popularity, fangirls/boys and the romance with sparkly vampires.

Okay, I admit it, I HATE Twilight.:|

Doesn't mean that you can hate every other vampire media.

Well...I hate True Blood and The gates....only good vampire show is Vampire Knight.:|

Now, I've been reading a lot of rants (whichI dislike because most rants are hate-filled) and I've noticed that alot of them have beenn about Guitar Hero returning in a couple of years.

Guitar Hero is a good series. My family loves it. Especially since dad got Warriors of Rock for $20.:|

One reason why many people hate the series is because they look at it badly.

Why hate Guitar hero just because it's getting stale? I have always believed that Pokemon has gone stale. Even though I own Pokemon Black, it's still stale.

Many people hate games due to graphics. I, personally, don't care about graphics. If the game play is good, Ijust play.

People hate The Simpsons due to SOME scenes they've seen. SOME. Like when Homer strangles Bart or when Sideshow Bob framed Krusty. :roll:

And even poeple hate the South Sydney rabbitohs, which is the NRL team I support.

Why do they hate us?

Because we're better than them.

If I go to someone at school and told thm I supported the Rabbitohs, they would say dirty words about us. :x

Just because we haven't won a lot of games, and you support dirty players, doesn't mean we aren't crap. :x

I never really hated Melbourne Storm, especially with their salary cap scandal.

Look, hate is a strong word, and if you hate someone/thing, well, just read the first sentence at top.

Everything that is hateful has something in it that everyone can like.

Well, maybe except Twilight. :P

*runs away from fangirls*

I hate you Munchgun :x

KIDDING! :lol:

Sorry guys, but all this hate in the internet air might have put me off GameSpot for a few days.

......Or a month.


True dat Lumpy Space Princess! :lol:

Sorry for the crap blog guys...I was just in a good mood but then my mood got worse with the anxiety and depression I have to put up with.:(

Dream Drop Distance

The title for the new Kingdom hearts game on the 3DS.:|

Which I want :x :|

Okay, half of this blog is about KH so if you don't like it, tough luck :x

Or you could just skip it and go straight the the other section of my blog.:|

My spoiler tags aren't working -_-

Okay, yesterday, I defeated Maleficent in Dragon Form.

She was too easy :roll:

Then I was up to Ansem controlling Riku. He was too hard, it took me about 2 days to beat him!:|

Today I beat him.:P

When I got to Traverse Town (just a few mins ago) I turned off my PS2.:|


SoI could blog! :D :P

When I defeat Heartless, only Goofy and Donald level up. Why not Sora? :x

Goofy's health gauge is HUGE. :o

My favourite keyblade so far is the Metal Chocobo.:P

I want to get Kingdom Hearts 2.

But I can't find it in stores.:|

I want Chain of Memories.

But..My friend said the GBA version is crap and I can't find the remake.:|

I need BBS. BUT............I don't have a PSP.:| My brother does though, and he was thinking of buying it so...............:P

He hasn't played any KH games, but he hopes they are fun.:P

I have 358/2 Days. Many of you might already know that though.:|

I still stuck on stupid Leechgrave! :x :x :x :x

Also, I was watching Vampire Knight today and one of the vampire's grandfather reminds me of Luxord.:P

And now some Organisation 13 funnies! :D

You have to click on the button that says: Download file.
Its on the right hand side.

I hope those comics made you laugh.................though the end might be................inappropriate :?

Okay, Marcus just came home! :D...........Without a shirt.:|

The reason why he is staying here is because during the Easter holidays he gets kicked out of his unit.:|

he brought his Xbox 360 with him. :o

He doesn't even know I have a laptop yet, despite me visiting him last week XD

He's in the shower now :P

It's hot and sweaty. :x

i got this app called CamWow for my ipod touch, it's awesome XD

Marc's shorts are huge.:|

I guess it's because he lost weight :P

I was in Marc's room all day (the PS2 was already in there soI played it in there) :|

Now I'm in my room! :D

Guess who entered the house?:|

My brother's girlfriend, Jessica! :D

She's going to netball soon.

Marc now realised that I owna laptop XD

He has the giant bruise from football training D:

Goodnight, Marc might sneak up on me.:|


Marcus jsut left. ;roll:

to Watch Jess play netball! :D



EDIT: I love Marcus! :D

He just got me two Rabbids figurines. One is a fencer while the other is a gladiator with a carrot stabbed on his back.

They came with game cards too.:D