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BlazikenTails64 Blog

The Old Man is Snoring.

Yep its raining -_-
Yippee -_-
No I can't play outside! :cry:
And my dog doesn't like the rain ;x

Munchgun is mean.
He called me Salmon Pie! :cry: :P
Umm...forget what I just said.

I'm sorry I can't continue with the story, maybe tomorrow on Friday eh? :)

Oh lets have a lo at the latest Digmon season.
Digmon Xros wars
"Seems mixed" said Munchgun a few months ago :P

For Japanese, we have to make a brochure for Japanese toursist about our town. We have to choose 4 locations, with 5 sentences each only in Japanese
I chose Mon repos Turtle Rookery, Bundaberg Rum Distillery, Bundaberg Ginger Beer Barre and the Botanic Gardens, with the Hall of Aviation and stuff :D
I was gonna write about the Hummock thouhh, our extinct volcano :|
People live on it :P

You know I usually type sentences then I jump to a completely different story? :P
Well, I speak that way too :P
My mums sick of it :|
That's right! :x In Australia we spell things with a U! :x
Favourite, Colour, Mum and more! :x

Plus, the Victa lawnmower is an Aussie invention :P

PLUS! Australia has famous stars, like Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman and Kylie! :x

DOUBLE PLUS!! We have cockatoos ;x

TRIPLE PLUS!!! I liek pe :|

wait...that makes no sense :P

You don't make sense! :x


Okay, who has ever heard of...................*drumroll*............................
Pokémon Apokélypse? :|

Here's an image :P
It was all over the internet :|

A while ago anyway :P

Its pretty mature, in my opinion :P

I haven't seen it, but read about it :P
Great way to make fun of Pokemon, if you ask me :P

Funny pics time! :D
OKay Seeya!

Arigato Gozaimasu.

I feel better now. Thanks for the hugs and pie! :D
Plus, my legs are stil aching, but I guess its growing pains eh?

Now today there was an Teacher VS Student PE game show at school. Really funny, but the teachers cheated! :x :P
The teacher was taller to catch the netball in the challenge! :x
Teachers won of course, the host being my fave teacher :roll:
I have a lot of fave teachers :|
Here was a question:
Name an age champion in our school for cros country NOT including Grade 12?
The teachers got it right :roll:
But at least they said my freinds name as an answer! :D
She's really athletic, unlike me :P

I only brouht two things to eat at school today :|
I was still hungry, I forgot some food :x
So my friend gave me some food, plus my friends I won an ice blockfrom a guessing comp at Japanese of what an item is.
It was a balloon ball thingy that kids use to play with.

Oh, on Sunday I saw How To train Your Dragon on DVD

Toothless is soooo cute! :oops:
Especially when he tries to smile :lol:

But it was an overnight, so it was returned the next day :D

I just realised something.

I'm not random anymore.

Sure, a few blogs ago i talked about pie but....I seem to be talking more about my life and such

Wow :|

Pie :|

Arrgh, dang it! :x

Last night I watched Packed to the Rafters......and I cried.
Mel Died ;cry: I can't believe Mel died :cry:
And apparently my friend cried too :|

Wow, Amercain won the Melbourne Cup :|

I was hoping for Shocking or So You Think :P

No, I do not bet on horse races :P

For now on, every time I blog, because I'm in the mood, I will post a picture of a Digion for Digimon of the day! :D

Oh, my aquaintance taught me a realy cool trick on Google. It involves Google, a keyboard, and Chuck Norris :|
Most of you may already know this but type in find chuck norris on google, then click on I'm feeling Lucky.

Funny eh? :lol:

What about fish carp in it? :|

:x :x :x :x
No more funnyz! :x
Seeya! ;D


P.S Where's Wally? :|

I'm stressed.

And in pain.
Legs in pain.
Stomach hurts.
I'm sick of peple swearing when the techer isn't around.

I'm stressed, because this is the day that a certain event occured two years ago that now has my scarred for life.

I need a hug.

Japanese Tales that might be too scary

Well, it wasn't scary when I first heard them :| :P
And I'm usually a fraidy cat! :lol:
At Japanese today, we learnt that Halloween is HUGE in Japan. Everybody dreses up! For example, Toad, zombie nurses, Sadako, etc

So, we watched the startng of the Ghost Train but not the rest because apparently its too graphic for people in Grade 8.
We saw pictures of ghosts, like the Slit Mouth woman, and it wa scary, but not scary enough for me to go poop my pants. :P
My my best freind didn't like the Slit Mouthed woman at all :|
She really wanted to see a picture of someone cosplaying Howl from Howl's Moving castle :P

So, since yesterday was Halloween, I will tell you some of the tales my teacher taught me! :D
I don't think I will get banned for this :P
But if so, so long suckers! :P
Just kidding :P
Let's start with....

Warning: Do not read if you go the the school bathroom frequently. Because this got me a little freaked out too :|
A girl named Hanako was bullied at school. So, she killed herself. She haunts the school toilets ever since. Thi story was as big as a bushfire years ago. Kids still tell their stories of seeing Hanako. You knock on the last toilet door 3 times, saying Hanako's names 3 times. If she appears, you get out as fast as you can. If you stay, she might say "Why did you tease me?" or something like that, and she wil throw you around and such. But she won't kill you.

Slit Mouthed Woman
I'm sure ther is a movie about this :|
Years ago, back in the Samurai times, lived a beautiful woman that lived in vain. Her husband, was really jealous of her, since all the guys seem to like her because she was so pretty. Then, her husband attacked her and slit her mouth from ear to ear. Rumours have it that she walks the streets of Japan, hunting for children, espacially if they are past curfew. She wears a surgica mask covering her mouth, and it is usual in the flu season to revent germs. She steps out of the shadows and ask a kid "Am I beautiful?" Before you answer she tears off the mask, reaviling huge tears and a twirling tongueand screams "Am I beautiful NOW?" If you say "No" she kills you. Rumour has it that she cuts your head off, or chases you around with scissors. There are many different tales. But if you say "Yes" she grabs her scissors and give you a slit mouth, just like her, but you get to live. But if you say "You look normal, average" she will be confused fora second, giving you enough time to run away.

No face
This human like ilusion has no face at all. It wil start to talk to you, so you and No face start to have a conversation. Then, you realise it has no face. Its trying to scare you.

He was a blind man who mugged and murdered. Poor thing. He tuned into a ghost, wanting revenge. But his lind eyes were gone, and he grew new eyes on his hands. He roams vilages and cities searching for that mugger. Though since he never knew what the mugger looked like, he just kills anyone he sees.

And of course there are many other ones, like Sakado and Teke teke, but I really don't want to scare anyone.
Though I'm in Grade 8, and didn't get scared...for once :|

Yes, I'm sorta freaked out about Kayako and Sadako :P

No, not really :P
I haven't seen The Ring or The Grudge :P


Funny picture time! :D
Only funny piturez? :? Awwww :(

Well seeya! :D

Wow, its November 1st :|



Wow, I'm already blogging and its only 3PM :|
I don't personally care for Halloween :P
No one has ever came to my house for Trick or Treat!
Maybe they think I'm a creppy old lady, that looks like Witchiepoo. :|
I'm a teenager, come on kidies! I'm not that scary! :lol:
*comes out*

I'm wearing a Spongebob hat :P

So, those who do celebrate Halloween, unlike me, Happy Halloween :|

Today I did watch old school Treehouse of Horror Simpsons episodes on Fox8 :P

On Google, it shows some Scooby Doo pictures! :D
Halloween $tyle 8)

It woudl be really strange if someone actualy did come knocking on my door :P

EEk! Its a white sheet! Run for your lives! :P
I have been starting to Play Spyro, A Hero's tail again. I finally defeated Robot Red today! :D
Picture time, coz I'm bored. :|

Now I am goign to post th next chapter someday :|

But no is time to tell you th truth.

Over the years, I heard screts, kept secrets, told secrets and even wrote secrets.

But I have a secret of my own I would like to share to you.




Clap Your Hands.

I'll make the next chapter tomorrow about Welcoem to TV Land! but I forgot who wanted to be in it. :|
Well, here is a Song I like, but when I saw the music video I was like "WTF? :shock:

Oh, if you are wondering, my avy is Midori from Midori Days :D
Yes, I know Midori is Japanese for green :P

For 3 days now, my mum has been angry or some strange reason.
Mainly towards my brother.
last night, my mum and my dad had an arguement over chocolate! :P
But its fine now...I hope. :|

WTF? : Why did I just get an email all in Aisan? :?

Ack! I hope my Hotmail account hasn't been hacked! :x

Oh, here is MY list of favourite catchphrases! :D
In no particular order :|

Ha Ha!
I'm Ready! I'm Ready!
Pikachu! I choose youZ! :P

Well, not really a great pile of phrases, huh? :P

Well, I'm bored :x

*eats ice cream*
*ice cream fall off the stick and onto the ground*
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

Do a Barrel Roll! :|
Woah! Thats awesome!
I see Megaman, Mario, Link and others :|
Look at what I found!e
Why didn't anyone inform me of this? :x
Yes, I don't one any Professor Layton games, but I played a friend of mines', and its fun! :D

Do U Liek Mudkipz?
No. :|
I shared that image on facebook, since I have nothing better to post on that website :P
I can't belive this! :x You know those Nerf guns? Well, my brother was shootign the suction darts ones at my mums eagle picture and his laptop in his room! :x He's 18! Why would he shoot the aptop he nees for University next year? ;x
He'll be on campus, I'll miss him! :cry:
Ah, Professor Oak memes :P
Hey, I wonder, what would you do in a Zombie outbreak? :|
Me? I throw some bricks and cinder blocks! :x
Why? :|
Because its the only thing I know how to throw :P
PLus, I use ti if anyone annoys me, like Munchgun! :x
No, wait I just get my killer kitty Shin Dig to attack him :P
Which he threw to the Sun, multiple times :x
Ands its now a robot! :x
I hope Munchgun stays for longer :)
You know what I'm gonna wathc? :D
The Bledisloe Cup! :D
Go Wallabies! :D
There is this movie that SuperfastSonic mentioned once. My dad wants to see it.
Looks pretty cool! 8)
*eats fruit mince pie*
*drinks water*
See, Pie is EPIC!!!! :x
I read a Super effective comic like that :P
THE TRUTH!!!!!! :o :o :o :o
I knew it 8)
But no one beleive me! :x
No, not even-nevermind :|
Now my brother can never complete it! :x :cry: :? :|
Haha, imagine a kid saying to his mother: " Mummy, for Halloween, I'm gonna be a tree!" :P

Seeya! Sorry for the early blog :(


National Bandanna Day/ Day for Daniel/ World Teachers Day/ Arts Night.

Wait....I'm not going to Arts Night. :| Oh, if no one remembers from last year, I shall tell you what it is :P
Arts Night is an event at my school, where people come and perform comedy acts, singing, bands, a play etc.
And there is a theme, because its close to Halloween. The peformers dress up to suit the theme.
This year's theme is: Fairytales :lol:
Last year I went because my brother was in Grade 12, and he played the guitar and keyboard for some singers.
Last year's theme was: Super heroes, Villians, and people who are Super :P

My brother dressed up as Goku from DBZ! XD
There were people dressed up as Sailor Moon, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman$tyle his sticky taped-sideburn fell off :lol: ), (its was a guy :P ) TMNT and more.

National Bandanna Day
This day helps support centres, camps etc to help teen and young adults with cancer. At school, we were Bandannas for the week. Today I wore my blue one from years ago as a headband, a pink one from last year on my arms, and I recently purchased one at school which is a purple butteflies pattern :) My mum also bought a CanTeen pen from the shops :) I also bought my friend an Aboriginal bananna, out of her money, and since they cost $4, I donated the change to the girl next to me for:

Day for Daniel.
Don't worry, I got a red ribbon in return to show support, she said it was okay, and she gave it to a friend anyway. Daniel Morcombe disappeared on the 7th of December 2003 from a nearby bus stop in Sunshine Coast. There have been over 30 Persons of interest, and poor Daniel is presumed Murdered. But, if he is alive, we want him safe :)
Day for Daniel starts tomorrow. Wear red to show your support :)

OOps! I forget to say Happy World teacher's Day to my teachers! They are awesum! :D There is this substitute that only took two of my Cla$$ess before. Drama and HPE. He is so awwesome!!! He always gives everyone 1 mint each! And he's not supposed to! Sssshhh! Don't tell anyone :P (In Australia, World Teacher's day is celebrated on the last Friday of October)

Holy crap! Its nearly November! :shock:

WTF?!?!?!?!? Munchgun made a blog? :shock: :D Awwww.....he hasn't officially returned :(

But at least he gave us a heads up! :)

Wow, this blog took me ages because I'm watching tv and I ate a smalld innr :P

Yes, tv IS background noise! :lol:

The other day me and my dad were watching The Simpsons, and we saw this: e

He laughed at it :P
I asked? " I don't get it. Wha does it mean?"

Well, yesterday he told me. It makes perfect sense now! :lol:
He wants that shirt now :P
He says that he's a computer nerd :P
I'm a smart video gaming nerd :P
Well, I hope that I'm smart :|

The word "Nerd" was invented by Dr.Suess :|

Oh, and I was reading LGD's blog which made me want to play The Simpsons Game again!
I finished the DS version, but I'm stil up to heaven in the Wii version.

Something like this was on Hey hey its Saturday! XD XD XD
Ok! Goodnight! :D



Before I tell you about this band, I have something to say.

My friend next door goes to a different school than me. She goes to the school that most of my friends in primary school went to because its close, their friends were gong there and because you get to go to Australia Zoo, Dreamworld etc.
Today I went to see how my friend is doing at school. I didn't stay because she wasn't feeling too well. But she finds school "Meh."
Meh? School shouldn't be meh. :x I find it fun because the teachers are awesome, (except one), the subjects are fun, and the friends are there. Though, yes my school have a few cons, like the students swear and such, but its still a great school. and the fact that when I'm in Year 12 I get to go to a Ski Trip! :D
My friend also said that she actually considered goign to my school to take a look.
But she would miss her friends.
My school may be small, in size and no. of students, and may not have money to go to places such as the Gold Coast, but I go to a great school, and I reckon my friendwould have more fun if she went to the same school as I do.
Though we never went to the same Primary School either :P

Now, to discuss Powderfinger.
Powderfinger is an Australian rock band formed in Brisbane. But, after their "Sunsets" tour, they broke up. :cry:
I don't know why. They are a great band. They won sixteen ARIA awards, 3 APRA awards and more. Their album, Golden Rule, is a cd I desperatley want for Christmas. This year their album for the Aria awards. is nominated for Best Group, Best Rock Album and Most Popualr Australian album.

Now, to try and convince you to listen to this band, here are some songs I love :)
Burn Your Name
Sail the Widest Stretch

All of the Dreamers
My Happiness

If you don't like this band, its okay. But I'm sure some of you wil love this band :)

Now for funny pictures :)

Okay! Seeya!



Today, my two friends and I went to the hall at schoool today during big lunch. We decided to play badminton. It was really fun. It was the first time I properly played the game. Last time I played it I was probably 8. :P
I need $4 to buy a bandana :|
Or I could just wear theones I already have from last year and before before ad before that etc. :)
Me and my next door neighbour made our own versions of the Old Spice ad! :lol:
Don't worry, we are gonna wear clothes :P
Oh, for now one, every time I blog, I give everyone a song to listen to :P
Brooke Fraser
Now, picture time! :D



2 actually. Why do people thumb down comments for no reason
PLus, in every blg I read, the users' blog comments go down :?
I guess I should be grateful that people still read my blogs :)