I just realised that the stuff I was gonna type yesterday would be skipped anyway :|
Anyway, I have been watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, and I feel so sorry for him, with the kids thrwoing out the healthy food, just because they like the junk food :(
If only they could understand :(
I mean, imagine pizza for breakfast :?
From age 4-10, they never use a fork? :shock:
I've been using forks ever since I was 3! :P
Or four, I can't remember :P
YES!!! The kids like the healthy food! :D
I reckon he has embarrases himself in moments :P
He cried :|
But he looks happy now.
Yes, I'm watching tv, for once, but only for NRL
Eels VS Bulldogs :|
Good thing I'm a vegetarian, so I have to eat greens :P
My tuckshop, usually sell Green to Amber food, which is stuff like fruit icey poles, sausage rolls, iced coffee, 600ml of low fat milk (whihc is very delicous for $1.50 :D ) etc.
Oh, I had the strangest dream :|
My dream was...I was giving a tour to...ASHTON KUTCHER! :o
I was holding is arm :|
Funny, he took a skydive here in Aus to get rid of his jetlag :P
He conisders moving to Melbourne :|
Why can't he move to Bundaberg? :x
Oh, I read in a newspaper that he likes it how we have a Female Prime Minister.
I don't like Tony Abbot :|
But the labor party has also done some bad stuff :|
Good thing I'm to young to vote :
We have a democracy, but a different kind of democrACY :|
We use the Westminster System :P
Oh, btw I'm worried about my friend. :|
She has many gifts of God; heer artists ability, her athletic ability, the ability to go to school after a realtive has passed away, the ability to be a good friend, but I am worried about her athletic ability
She likes to run. Fair enough, But running around the oval 5 times with little sips of water isn't so good. She reckons she is unfit, but she runs EVERY DAY! Excpet on Sundays. And I don't think she knows that too much running, pushing it, is bad for her. She is as fit as a fiddle, yet still worried about her health. :|
Muslce weighs more than fat, we all know that! :P
Hey, that rhymes :|
I love the tv show Rsh! :D
Sweet, two new episodes of The Simpsons :P
*read NGamer*
Travis Touchdown! Puts some pants on! :x :lol:
Hey, what do you call when you cross a kangaroo with a sheep? :P
A WOOLLY JUMPER!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Okay, tht was lame.
Seriously, I knew that joke ever since I was born. Its old
Oh, at my school, there was a Fave Vampire comp, with Dracula, the Twilight vamps -_- and Count Von Count
Guess who won? :lol:
Count Von Count! :P
And now, why I keep my GS account confidential :|
If I tell everybody I like video games, the teasing would come, and some people would think less of me. Sure I know a few videogamers at my school, but they only like certain games. I want to talk about Metroid! :cry:
Not Pokemon all the time -_-
Sure, if I yelled "PICKLEFROSTING!!!!!", I may be famous for a few seconds, some people who reads stuff on the internet may or may not reconise the word, some my steal it, like people reckon I stole the replacement word for serious (cereal) from somebody, but I actually got it from my brother :roll but yeah :|
I know if a few people joined they would have fun, but they are only aquaintances :|
Oh, guess what we had to listen to in English? :lol:
Bill the cat :lol:
Its by Jonh Williamson 8)
When he sings "To the family vet"...my friend says barb-wired fence :P
Oh, when I got to another school in the afternoons to go on the bus, there was a notice on the notice board
Parents Interview Evening :|
You realise that? :|
Parents Interview Evening. :|
PIE :|
Oh. btw never drink frozen raspberry fanta with strawberry sundae. Its too much of a sugar rush. :P
Oh, when I saw the commercial for the Bourbon Whopper, on the bottom is said Non-alcoholic sauce :P
Before I was a vegegtaraian, I liked the Dark Whopper and the Alfresco whopper :P
Oh, I was watching the King of Queens once, and it was the episode where Doug's cousin becmones a truck driver and does better than Doug :lol:
Oh, and here is an old fave Simpsons quote of mine;
Homer:I need a name for my company, something that is cutting edge, like Cut Co, or Edge Com, or Inter-Slice ... How about Compuglobalhypermeganet ... The name's not important.
Goodnight! :D
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