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BlazikenTails64 Blog

GoodBye +Bad News Report.

I am going to Brisbane tomorrow at 5:00AM and come home this same day at 9:15 PM For an excursion to see Political people do their stuff and go to a science centre. You better miss me! :x

And this is the reason why I cannot be a Newspaper Reporter:


By Sandy 23/11/09

Nothing simple in life taste like Chiko rolls. Mmm....Chiko rolls.....*drool*. Errm..anyways...wait, why am I writing this down? The Blaziken Gijinka was okay, though I have Austar that can show SatAM. Sonic wins again, yet Patrick forgot to say Hi to Spongebob. There are toys on my TV, but they do not beat Peanuts. Oh Goody! An Ad about Bi-Lo's price cuts....Hey an Asian girl! Who cares about trousers for $30. Hamish and Andy Re-gifted( A Xmas Show) and I see an orange envelope. They Ghost tracked, as shown in Australia and possibly America. They were on The Jay Leno Show once. Why is Hamish Smelling A $20 Note? And Andy is smoking one? Oh, its that money thing were they put it in peoples pocket without the people knowing. AAH! NAKED ANGEL VERSIONS OF THEM! Wait..why am I going on topic? Oh Right! The Big news. Well, there is none. White Collar. Sounds like a cool show though its past my bedtime. Commonwealth Bank ads make Americans look like idiots, which is good to laugh at, though I hope it doesn't offend anyone! Ferrero Roche? Is that how you spell it? Hey, what that smell? My Mum made me a sandwich. My head is like an Ice cream cone, except point, pointy, pointy, pointy.............Who cares?

Get Real with Eagle Boys! That is what Dave Hughes says. And he does not suck! Healthy cigarettes! That is what Hamish & Andy found in The Future A.K.A Japan. HE HAS AN iPHONE JUST LIKE MY DAD! Speaking of which, I had sushi today! With salmon, carrots, ham, chicken, rice, soy sauce and seaweed. SAMURAI! Andy lost his hat! Man bras? I don't want to see! *watches* What? Futurelicous! HARAJUKI LIFESAVER AND CRICKET PLAYER?? AAH! The Square root of cake? ITS CREAM! And the right angle is pie. I am a BubbleBuddy to Schultz38. Yay! A Home Soda Factory Called Soda Stream! I forgot to take an shower today! *everyones dies of stench* Was it something I said? Angry Angus? I knew it sounded Scottish, because I have A Brother Named Angus! CAPITAL LETTERS RULE! Visit for no reason! Bet 24/7. The Sport of Winning! Poetry in Bloom? What the Hell? Oooh! Fortune Shortbread! What is Van Diemans Land? It is what Tasmania used to be called. Wow! Tasmanian Tiger and Tasmanian Devils Rule! UPTOWN GIRL! Ok, that was weird....anyway Hamish's Xmas sweater is painted on, its very obvious. Why does everyone like Twilight? Who lives like a barnacle under the sea? PATRICK SEASTAR!

Hey! That guy took my Underpants! *kills random user with overalls* COWS AIR IN THE AIR! Wait...this isn't Kansas? Oh well! Oh! Nice Sunset! *Gasp* Spongebob Square Roots is on! Patchy The Pirate elected himself for the Spongebob fan club! Looky! It's Eric Bana is on The Castle! I have no homework this week since we are very busy! A YELLOW SPONGE STOLEN FROM BURGER KING? In Australia we call it Hungry Jacks WE STOLE A BALLOON! And? Bunnie turned into a Rabbot....Doesn't that matter? Ok...Maybe it doesn't...what about cookies? Everyone LOVES cookies! Except the obvious...Did you know Cooie means Little cake? AND I HATE CAKE! AAAHHHH! *explodes*

Yes I know that was wierd...Anyway good bye for a day!


ARRRRGH! (Or In English=Tagged!)

Crap, Tagged by gerudoman320 which sucks. But I am gonna do 10 facts. And tag three peeps.

1. Meh.

2. Who cares?

3. I am Sandy.

4. I have been trying to kill Munchgun ever since he threw my Killer Kitty into the sun.

5. I just finished watching Square Roots.

6. I am getting $5. Thats more than I get in a year!

7. I had Sushi and watched Spirited Awaytoday at LOTE.

8. I am single ;) At least I think so anyway. :|

9. I hate being single.

10. My LOTE is Japanese.

MY TOE HURTS NOW! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I don't want to be mean *shifty eyes* But I shall tag peoples! :twisted:

Spongebob, Munch, and blazing! Ha! Take that!

Se Ya!


Stuff! + My Top 20 movies without explaining why!

Ok, I'm Sandy just to make you happy Schultz. Wait...but the real Spongebob And Sandy like each other................*backs away slowly*

Ha! Just Kidding! *shifty eyes*

Yeah, Truth or Square is funny. Already it was on DVD AGES ago! I want the game soo badly.

My Dog Diesel hugged me for a treat today!

On Wednesday, I have to get up before 5 AM to catch a train for a school excursion. We are going to Brisbane to the Science Centre and Parliament House and watch peeps do Government things! Yay!

What? I like boring stuff. Anyway my freind made up this thing. You take your first name (Or shorter version of your name) put a hyphen, then place a name of someone you likeon a video game, movie, tv show, whatever, and that is their new nickname. Like mine would be Loz-May. Because I like May from the Pokemon series. My freind is Ash-Leaf, because of the girl character in FireRed/LeafGreen. My other freind is either Jade-Dawn or Jade-Platinum from Pokemon. My other, other freind is Maddy-Kagome for the character of InuYasha. Make your own if you want and post it in your comments so I can see.

Also, yestreday I made a question, but no one took interest in it. So I shall ask again. What is the square root of Cake? (Here's a hint: The right angle is pie.) Get the answer right and you win Free pie! And of course *cough* World Domination *cough* That was one nasty cough!

Now the movie list without explaining!

20. Lucario & the Mystery of Mew.

19. InuYasha-Castle beyond the looking glass.

18. Spirited Away

17. Howl's Moving Castle

16. Princess Monoke

15. Black Beauty

14. Lassie

13. Because of Winn-Dixie

12. Happy Feet.

11. Back to the future

10. Back to the future 2

9. Back to the future 3

8. Madagascar 2

7. The Rescuers

6. The Simpsons Movie

4. Air Bud: World Pup

3. Kung Fu Panda

2. Air Bud

1. The Spongebob Squarepants Movie.

Thats right. I like stuff! :o Shocking I know. Hey, thats the name of the horse who won the Melbourne Cup; Shocking!

Ow! I have a stupid blister because I had to wear fancy shoes to my Brother's formal. Good thing we went to Sizzler's for Dinner while my Brother was at the formal. Even though he works at Sizzlers.

NOOO! I HAVE TO DO WEEDING TO GET $5! That's more than I et in a year! No, seriously!

My most wanted present for Xmas is The Holy Bible. (In English)

Too bad I'm the only one in my main family that is Christian. My mum rolled her eyes when I told her, but My dad didn't mind!

Geez! Its boiling hotter than a heatwave on Christmas Day! Good thing we got Air Con! Wait.....IM NOT IN THE LOUNGE ROOM! AAHH! *explodes to million bits and pieces*

Well, goodbye!


Its the Best Day Ever!

Not really, but for Spongebob fans (like me) it is!

The Spongebob Sponge Bashis showing right now on Nickleodeon in Australia. Not sure if other countries are involved. Think Happy tour was on, but there was No Spongebob near my area! :cry: The Spongebob thing is just a marathon, even showing the First Season. Even a documentary On Spongebob called Square Roots. Whch was okay, but it talked about Spongebob controversy, if you can figure out what it is, its pretty obvious.ON A KIDS CHANNEL!It even talked about the Stealing of the Inflatable Spongebob on Burger King. And how the Sponge is a world wide phenomenon! Though the ads were really annoying. Its was always about the iCarly marathon and Dreamworld's Nick central and WhiteWater World's Sliming. I really want the Spongebob game called Truth Or Square. This is a Blog dedicated to Spongebob, by the way!

My fave episodes would have to be

10. Band Geeks.

9. Best Day Ever

8. Pest of the West

7. Alantis Squarepantis

6. Spy Buddies

5. Idiot Box

4. Secret Box.

3. Spongebob B.C (Before Comedy)

2. Thats No Lady

1. Pretty Patties.

Whats your favorite?

My friend is so obsessed with Spongebob, that she wants to buy my Only Spongebob Poster for $5! Thats quite a lot...but I said no. I know I am a Bit to old for Kids shows. But its funny!

What's the Square root of Cake? Here's a hint: The right angle is Pie. Guess the answer correct and Win...errr.......A Slinky Dog! And World Domination!

Well, seeya!


PS. Thank you Schultz for saying my proper name and explaining to the world your embarassing moment! :oops:

PPS: Here are some Spongy Pics! Enjoy!

Cool! Nothing!

Baby! Aaah!

Eh! Duh!

And now, for something completely different.

I love Monty Python.

Yes, I already blogged today, but I am bored and sick so I don't have to go to school. :cry:

What? I like school. It has a huge oval. And a MPC. And Tennis Court. And Cricket Pitches. And A Softball Pitch. And Netball Hoops. And Sand for Long Jump. And Toilets. And Classrooms. And Laptops. And Awseome teachers. And a tuckshop. And a Principal. And Teacher Aides. And Freinds. And Enemies. And Students. And Radios. And TVs. And Education! And Books. And DVD Players. And Video Players. And DVDs. And Videos. And Projectors with screens. And Instruments. And A Music teacher related to the Surfing Scientist. And a Office. And Water. And Food. (Duh! :P) And Lost Property. And Deputy Principal. And Volunteers. And Librarians. And Chalk. And Stationery. And Games. And Sports Equipment.And Blackboards. AndWhiteboards. And Whiteboard Markers. And Paper. And Tables. And Seats. And Ceilings. And Roofs. And Windows. And Computers. And Pictures. And A Groundsman. And Tests. And Scooters. And Buses. And Cars. And Bikes. And Lessons. And LOTE! Need I say more?

*Gets Spayed by Truth Spray No.9* AAAH! IT BURNS! I have to tell the truth now.

I don't hate youMunchgun.

I don't like Chiropracter/ninja/ salmon.*cough* KHfanboy2*cough*

I lie a lot.

I am Sick. Don't you dare ask which sickness I have got.

I want Tim Tams. NOW!

*Starts rampaging like Ralph the Wolf on Rampage*

Anyway..My neighbours have moved! :cry: They were my best friends!

I get to stay home now which is Way Past Cool!

THough I LOVE School.

Here are some random stuff I found:

Link?Jigglypuff?My dad does that all the time.


Who are you looking at?

Meta Knight?

Well bye for now!


Wow! Nothing is interseting in this blog as always!


My new avy of Bunnie Rabbot hasnt uploaded yet....and right now I am chewing and spitting my cardboard box that used to have sultanas in it...literally. I was handing out Xmas cards to the Principle, Librarians, teachers and friends of mah school. It made me feel Happy.


OO, A slinky dog!

Well, Gotta go to mag bro's formal.



Munchgun's weakness is.....

LOVE! EVERYBODY LOVE HIM! Not me though..or else it would look awkward........:oops:

I am now currently playing Sonic 2. I am up to Casino night and getting my Second Chaos Emerald. Speaking of Sonic, SatAM is showing in Australia again! Yay! Who is your favorite SatAM character? I like Tails and Bunnie.

And I have got a new mobile! (Even though I didn't want one..) And I won $50 worth of credit FREE! I am with Optus.

SUPPORT THE RSPCA! Or else....*shows tantrum that ocurred in previous blog*

At Lote (Language Other than English) We are watching Spirited Away since there are no more tests or other work. IT SOO AWSEOME! I think the guy with so many legs is name Kamaji or something....But with the glasses, nose and moustache..He looks famialr..I just can't put my finger on it...OH YEAH! IT LOOKED LIKE DEDEDE!...No...its definetaly EggMan. Robotnik looks different than Eggman. Yes I know, they are the same peep, but Still.

Who reads Sonic the hedhog comics? I do!

I just saw SatAM just then for a few seconds. But where was Tails?

I Tyedyed some material at school today. Last week I screen printing, and I did mosaics, line art, Computer Graphic art and stuff. With the Computer art, we had to follow steps on Youtube to make a character that looked like he came from an anime. Though someone stuffed up and made it look like Michael Jackson! But he had to fix it up.

Well..Bye for now!

*hands out desires for everyone except Munchgun and SFG*

Why SFG?


Why, Munchgun?

Don't ask! :P


I am in love.....

With this guy! cute

Thats right....I love MK! Once I had a dream about us....*sigh*

Forget everything I said now! OR ELSE!

*throws bricks*

*makes earthquakes*

*throws SFG's REAL puke out Munchgun's trashcan*

*throws Sun at Munchgun*

*uses Blaze Kick*

*uses Sky Uppercut*

*plays the N64*


Anyway..My next door neighbours are mah mates, and they had a garage sale. Their son went to Canada once and brought back this big eagle picture. I got it for only 5 buckaroonies. I bought very old books and the video of the All-Time favorite Australian movie, The Castle!

I now own a mobile phone. I didn't want one but my Mum bought one anyway. (Thats right...We spell Mum Differently!)

I'm drinking apple juice now!

Wait...its empty....

*thorws popper at shadowlsayer*

And here is your Ol' Shooty too!

*throws Ol' Shooty*

Shadowlsayer gets owned by Ol'Shooty*

In the movie 2012...I know how the world would end!



May I point out that Pluto (Not the dog) Isn't a planet?


May I note that I do not own the pictures. They belong to their rightful owners.

Oh, and Munchgun's weakness is love. So, Everybody love him!

Oh, Munchgun, I threw my Killer cookie, killer guinea pig, and that same Killer Kitty but I adopted it this time in the sun!

And no, you can't throw the Sun, coz I already threw it at you.

I am now offically a copycat and kind!


Well...Here is why!

* hands out bacon, cookies, bricks that do not hurt me, pie, Duff beer, Fudd beer, Ginger, Beer, Krabby pattys, Spongey Pattys, Chum, Slurm, Chocolate, SFG's puke, Killer cookies, Random newborn babies, Circus, Trampolines, Lamingtons, Creaming Soda, Pasito, Lemonade, Coca-Cola, Pepsi Max, cane toads and Ponchos*

Ha! I am now offically kinder than Munchgun!

And no, I do not stalk you. *shifty eyes*



I come from a Land Down Unda!

I Love that song.

So, I have to teach everyone some Aussie Slang.

This story is fake.

While out in the wild, I watched some Bush Telly (Campfire) While playing charades.Its was boiling more than a heatwave on Chrissy Day. All I had left in my Tuckerbox (food storage box) wazza a sanger (sandwich) Though my Bitzer (Mongrel dog) that was never really mine, but He found me and start following me. I called Him Diesel. He liked Sangers, but sometimes when I Have a Aussie Salute (brushing away flies), he jumps, opens his talker and BAM! Breakfast is served. My Mate Henry, didn't own much, but was a great bloke. He was the only one who owned a Cozzie (swimming suit) and he would sometimes let me use it if we were at a Billabong for a quick dive. We continued our search for home. We have been through trecherous journey, and met some of World's amazing creatures, Like dingos, Muddys(mudcrabs), stupid Blowies (blowfiles) and many amazing birds, like Budgies and Galahs. Henry nearly lost an arm from a Freshie (Freshwater Crocodile), if it wasn't for Diesel. Diesel may have lost a ear, but he didnt mind. He was a happyWoofer (dog)dreamed of getting home, saying G'day(hi)our folks, Having Shrimp on the Barbie(BBQ) sleeping in nice, wamr blankets. We got stuck in the Outback 10 days ago. We were driving ou Ute (type of car) to Explore, but we suddenly drove into the Petrol Station in the middle of nowhere and there was a prang! (crash) Luckily we survived. Then Henry was signaling by going "Cooie!"and spotted home! We finally made to Alice Springs! Our mission was done and dusted! (finished, nothin to worry about) Our ol' Folks welcomed us, shredded to tears and we explained everything that happened. My room wasn't a dogs breakfast (messy) like I left. Mum cleaned it up. I burst into tears. Even though I am not a sook (crybaby). We had a Celebration! We ate Lamingtons (a delicous treat), Sangs (sausages) and nice, refreshing beer. I was so Happy. I am home.


Nayway, I can now watch Classic Sonic the Hedgehog on TV. And there is also DK Country on TV too.


*dies of thrwoing bricks*

But I shall rise..errr...again!

-Bunnie Rabbot

Best Australian Tv Shows,Bands & Movies

Before I start, I have a new avy(spongebob). And A new blog banner(rabbitohs). Not in any particular they are! (I Probably dont watch some of them since they are young shows also but This is a list for children and older peeps. these are just recommended from mah freinds...younger and older than me)

Notice you may see non australian titles, but Australia made their own versions.

Hey Hey Its Saturday!

Packed to the Rafters

Blankety Blanks

Mother & Son

Blinky Bill


Good News Week

The Castle


Home & Away


7PM Project

Finding Nemo



Midnight Oil

Real Stories (Acually a Comedy with Fake Stories Starring Hamish & Andy)

At The Movies

The Crocodile Hunter ( Steve Irwin is my hero)

Lockie Leonard


The Saddle Club

The Wiggles (dont giggle!)

The Sleepover Club

Totally Wild

The Spearman Experiment

Double Take

TV Burp

Kath & Kim

The Merrick and Rosso Show

Thank God You're Here

Talkin 'Bout Your Generation

Missing Persons Unit

Today Tonight

All Saints

Blue Heelers

City Homicide


The Force

Find My Family

Bondi Rescue

Bondi Vet (Dr. Chris Brown is one of my heros)

Border Security

Last Chance Surgery

RSPCA Animal Rescue

World's Strictest Parents

Deal Or No Deal

Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?

Better Homes & Gardens

Domestic Blitz

Escape with ET (its a fishing show)

Hot Property

Talk to the Animals

Ready Steady Cook

The Experimentals (With the surfing scientist!)

triple j TV

Video Hits


ABC News

Australia's Got Talent

Australia Idol

Australia's Next Top model

The Biggest Loser

Celebrity Masterchef Australia

Dancing with the Stars

Farmer Wants a Wife

So You Think You Can Dance? Australia

It Takes Two

The Nrl Footy Show

The Cricket Show

The NRL Sunday Footy Show


Weekend Sunrise

Cheez Tv (I miss that show, instead of Toasted Tv)



Escape from Scorpion Island

Camp Orange

Old Tom

Round the Twist

Alexander Bunyip's Billabong

Comedy Inc.

The Eric Bana Show Live

Hamish & Andy

Hey Dad...!

Kenny's World

The Paul Hogan Show

Summer Heights High

The Wedge

A Country Practice


Banjo Paterson's The Man From Snowy River

McLeod's Daughters

Beyond Tomorrow

Crash Investigation Unit

1 VS 100

Celebrity Squares

The Darryl & Ossie Show

Family Feud

Friday Night Games*

Big Brother

Friday Night Download

*is part of Big Brother


Sale of the Century

Who want To Be A Millionaire?

Burke's Backyard

Celebrity Big Brother

The Mole Australia

The Don Lane Show(R.I.P)

There! The most recommended Australian Stuff that mah friends at home told me. Comment if you wish, but no harsh ones please.

*gets owned by brick*

Great! Do I have to die evry blog?


Err...I mean Bye!

I mean Pie!

no..wait its bye allright
