[QUOTE="karriston"]I was bitterly disappointed with a lot of the changes they made in the late develpment of the game. Interupting people mid-sentence seemed like such a good idea :( Also, why did they take out that team-placementscreen thingy? You know, the thing that paused the game and let you place a marker for your team-mates to go to. They took out the ability to control other team-mates too :( Also, the side quests were worse than Oblivion's. And who thought that the un-charted worlds were a good idea? Exploring a barren, bland looking world that has nothing on it but rocks, crashed sattelites and identical bases doesn't seem like fun to me... You can interrupt them during talking, whilst their speaking hit "A". If there is a somewhat aggresive dialogue choice, shepard most likely will interupt and override them :)
As the name suggests someone has beaten GTAIV already. And as he quotes "its better then all the hype suggests" And with that said its got to be damn good! heres de linky http://www.gamesradar.com/f/hes-finished-grand-theft-auto-iv/a-2008040412432960029
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