only fans of naughty dog's previous works, and those who like action adventure games will like dont get all fussy 7.5 doesnt mean its a good game. im not saying its average. its just not going to appeal to all gamers. 7.5 does not translate to a c, this isnt school.
LMFAO i kno i was laughing so hard.
And Halo has to appeal to everyone, not to mention it's rated M and it's meant for only hardcore shooting gamers. But I mean, it's teh Hal0!!!!11O1n2!3
u no! halo is like the gold encrusted toenails from god sent down to earth to give us unlimited bliss...wait never mind...the halo3 copy i got was nothing like that.
back to more serious conversation: im pretty hyped about uncharted, the look and what little i have been able to get from the trailers make it feel your playing a movie, or maybe even a book (considering movie plots seem to be lacking reciently)
only fans of naughty dog's previous works, and those who like action adventure games will like dont get all fussy 7.5 doesnt mean its a good game. im not saying its average. its just not going to appeal to all gamers. 7.5 does not translate to a c, this isnt school.
Wasn that just GameSpots response to peoples uproar about Ratchet and Clank. Almost an exact copy in fact?
yes, i was making fun of gamespot for that lousy attempt at redeeming themselves.
only fans of naughty dog's previous works, and those who like action adventure games will like dont get all fussy 7.5 doesnt mean its a good game. im not saying its average. its just not going to appeal to all gamers. 7.5 does not translate to a c, this isnt school.
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