As if these people that get paid way too much money have absolutely any idea what they're really doing. I'm sure they believe they do. Too bad they're wrong. For example, you don't HAVE to have growth year in, year out. That is logically nonsensical. If you are making the same amount of ridiculous net profit every year, nobody is going to complain. Especially the "shareholders", which is, of course, the go to copout scapegoat for every potentially negative looking decision a company makes. The shareholders are NOT going to complain about your highly lucrative business. That's a complete lie. YOU want growth so you can give yourself a higher bonus next year, because apparently you don't have enough millions already, and the only idea you can come up with, is layoffs. Which, for the record, have minimal impact on genuine profit, every single time. It's pure, simple laziness. It's not even greedy. It's just lazy.
@plurmp: LMAO. Obviously you are clearly not aware on how petitions DON'T really work for shit. Especially when it comes to more ludicrous whining about such minor, inconsequential things that are, simply put, the worst example of first world issues. Because they're so asinine. But you believe whatever nonsense you want.
Tunic is, without a doubt, one of the single finest action adventures ever made, and probably the best Zelda clone by a mile. That one is well worth grabbing.
Yeah it'll be like 20 bucks two or three months after release. I might be interested in it then. Though realistically I'm just hoping this means you can merely watch it on a streaming service finally, Tubi or whatever. Probably Amazon Prime Video in 4K though, just a hunch. It's interesting for being a low budget anime adaptation featuring Mark Hamill, but it's definitely not mind blowing stuff by any means.
Huh, I certainly never expected that. New quest content with the Enclave? Hell yeah. It almost makes up for the entirety of Starfield. Nah just kidding. But it's always nice to see a GOOD game get free content.
Ahh, Back 4 Blood, possibly the worst spiritual sequel ever made. Especially when compared to it's predecessor. So much wasted potential. Such ridiculous execution.
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