I bought the orginal 60gb version of the ps3 and it's still growing strong, i've had it since day 1, so being "built better" doesn't really mean much if you loose all these extra features... that's what i think
Blood_Diamond's forum posts
TBH i can't see why it wouldn't... but it might format it for it's own file type if it doesn't use NTFS. Try a blank or old HDD so you don't loose your current data
Much more intrested in Prototype, this looks intresting, but not violent enough compaired to prototype
Best story has to be Bioshock hands down, took me two plays to get the story, that twist boom blows you away.
Worst has to be Far Cry 2... becuase there isn't one lol... all joking aside, the story sits back of the bus
i actually like the graphics, some places it's really impressive in other things it's pretty standard.
most of all, i was really getting into gameplay and premise of the entire thing.
Some of you guys put way way too much of an emphasis on graphics it makes me wonder why your not into 3D films, or art rather then worrying that a game doesn't have a good story, premise, or if the gameplay is any good.
It's teh very reason i sold Killzone 2. It is by no means a bad game, and it is stunningly beautiful, but the characters are very unlikeable, you don't seem to give a crap of why your there. graphics is NOT enough to carry a game. Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games of all time and it's graphics is looks a lot like PS2 graphically speaking.
anyways... i'm definently looking forward to Red Faction: Guerillia. if you don't like, no need to buy it, nor even complain about it..... I'm not all that nut so for Prototype but you don't see me wasting time out of my day to **** about how terrible the gameplay looks.....
I agree 100% i sold killzone 2 for the very same reason, lack of story and the ability to like any of the characters
I destroyed one over COD 4 i just snaped because i was having a crap round on COD i threw it with some gusto across my room, hiting my guitar hero guitar and breaking that to.
so i bought a new pad and i treat this one like a queen, because it cost me £40, damn thats alot for a pad
I feel that prototype will be better for the fact that's more mature looking that inFamous. But inFamous looks like it could be good fun to, i'm still going to stick to prototype, i'm so excited
COD has MORE...
Gun Attatchments
Stronger Single Player
Helicopters, Air Stikes are sick
Better Rank up system, Prestige will last you forever, Gold plated guns.
In every sense the COD's offer more then KZ2
Dude... I love you... i never thought of all that lol boom
although i wasn't blown away by the visuals, it didn't retract from my experience with the game so I don't have a problem with them. and if you think that ps2 graphics are better than this, then i think you should pull out a couple of old games and you'll realize just how spoiled you've gotten. GAMEPLAY COMES FIRST and the demo had pretty awesome gameplay and destruction. jasong1011
I agree with this guy, graphics CAN sit on the back burner IF the gameplay is solid, i must admit i ejoyed the whole romp with the walker, pure class.
I also did like a smash and grab, stole a car and ram raided the garage door, looked so cool the way it split open. Also the graphics might get a fresh lick of paint for the main release, don't count on it though
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