Hey guys.:) ..i'd like first of all to leave behind the "hacking my account" thingy cause really the last few days excausted me..i never thought something over te net would affect my real life.
But i guess that's because GS is a small part of my real life. So i choose to end it here,without any grudges.:)
My Xbox360 DIED!Yes you heard it died yesterday in the morning.:cry:..i inserted the DOA4 to play online..i heard a "beep" the screen froze not even the dashboard would not open and that was...whenever i try to switch it freezes almost at once.:cry:.
John called the Greek deparment of and they'll take it with courier send it to England or Germany for service,and it will be back to us in about 20 days.:cry:.
Cassandra,my doberman has now a brother a boyfriend call it whatever you like. This morning John brought home a male doberman who's name was...WAS Rocky. His name now is Kadaju,Kadaj.Cause the Rocky one sounded awful in my ears.:P
He is 15 months old,4 months younger than Cassandra and he is brown.:D..He is ADORABLE.:)
We've been thinking about a week to get him cause his previous owner a neighboor of us,one day came to John's work and said he's giving his dog. Because his wife is tired to take care of their children and the dog at the same time. Anyways..the fact is that now i can see how happy he feels.:D...where he was living before he was all alone,he wasn't living inside their house and let's just say that his owner trying to make him "wild" kept beating him.Sad ain't it?...all he managed was to scare him .
When i tried to pet him the first time he acted like he didn't knew what petting is.Now?..after a few hours?..he asks it on his own.:lol:..
Cassandra literally welcomed him...and he seems to..i don't know adore me.Whenever he sees me he'll jump on me..act really cute,lick my face yada yada what the dogs do when they're happy?..that.:lol:.
I think i already love him.:)..When he stays still for a pic i'll take one and post it so you can see him.:).Cause so far he keeps playing with Cassandra and still won't stay.:lol:..
I cannot get enough of looking at both of them playing with eachother and doing a bunch of silly things.:lol:..
That's almost all my news.Aww..and i got the i feel worst than yesterday but i guess tomorrow or the day after i'll be fine. Usually lasts that long.Is my fault..i went and swim in the open pool of the i had it coming.:lol:.
Friday is is the have a great one everyone and cya around the boards.:wink:.
Much love.:)
We were saving money to add a sissybar in our bike..but at the end of next week the PS3 comes in the store that my friend Kostas works so he let us know that. John asked me..sissybar or PS3?..You can guess what my answer was right?..SO HELLZ YEZZZ..I WON'T WAIT TILL MARCH.:D
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