I like dthe Impire game looks very well thought out with the menus and looks easy to navigate. which would be great for the game play. Hope the game play is as great. Looking forward to seeing more of it.
Have more then 1 save thought , cause they lock the gate on you once you get to Upper Ravins Rills. To the town Hall to fight Rajani. I didn't and now I'm stuck here and cannot level up anymore or leave for more equipement.
you can buy at Amazon or Steam. I got for 5 dollars form Amazon and you have to make an account on Steam to play. or they have a PS3 version you can get also. On the PC you can use the XBox 360 controler for the game. I used the keyboard for part of the game then I picked up the controller at Best Buy for 25 dollars, and it works great with this game.
there are a few spiders in here but can kill them pretty easy most times. It is a fun game. Have more then 1 save thought , cause they lock the gate on you once you get to Upper Ravins Rills. To the town Hall to fight Rajani.
Love the look of this atmosphere. Very inviting. Looks like a place I'd like to play a game in. Love the colors. So many games colors look washed out and for this day and time that is stunning to me. So good to see a beautiful world to wander in.
Blue-Diamond's comments