@mister-sandman Yeah so just because i play skyrim i can't wait to go take my sword on some of my helpless neighbors. This makes no sense. Just because you play a game doens't mean like oh i just played call of duty i can't wait to go buy an ACR and rack up a killstreak. Like what the ****?
I seriously doubt she has ever played violent video games, or is an expert. There isn't any actual evidence and video games are being scapegoated by these mass murders.
@Scorpion1813 @Imperiacommando I've said the same thing in the past, i would NEVER buy a sports game for $60 each year. the only problem is EA shuts down servers early. Fifa 11 is gone. Already. So is madden 11 and the ones before it.
@klenoxx You haven't given any legit reasons to why origin is good and why steam is bad. Steam Sales are the best thing about steam. Origin is just an annoying thing you can't get around when playing battlefield on pc or other pc games that are from ea
@egekoenig Online Passes? Not including all DLC in GOTY editions? Cash Cowing sports games? Requiring to sign up for Origin to play the games? What other reason do you need?
I won't buy the new console for a year or two anyway because i want to play all the good games i missed on 360 like the dead spaces and the mass effects
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