"the amount of data we put in and the detail level is far superior" Well that doesn't matter if the game is not that fun. Which is what Crysis 2 multiplayer was for me. Halo 4 looks just as good as crysis 2 and has a better art style. Halo multiplayer is far superior to crysis multiplayer in nearly every way. ( Maps, Gametype variety, Popularity) Crysis may technically "look" better but that doesn't mean shit when your gameplay doesn't live up to it. Look at GTA IV, the graphics of that game are very dated, its 4 years old, yet its still in the top 20 most played on xbox live. I haven't seen crysis 2 in there since the game came out.
Maybe this will actually make me want to buy Crysis 3 later on down the road because at this moment, I'm not too eager to buy it because Crysis 2's multiplayer was not that fun.
If anything, cod took more from halo. The theater system was in halo 3 and it came in 3 years later in black ops. Although for halo 4 343 has taken more from cod then past halo's have. In terms of classes and kill cams. You can't really call default sprint copying cod because sprint is in almost every game now.
@nick280455 The reason why Halo 4 has frame rate lag is because your playing split screen, which basically splits the frame rate in half and because the xbox is running on 8 year old hardware halo 4 pushed the limits of the system so splitting the frame rate in half will make it really choppy until the next xbox comes out
@dz99ls Pretty sure he's not the minority, cod may sell alot. But ALOT of people have stopped buying it including me, until they come out with a cod thats actually worth buying
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