The cable internet at my place has been spotty for about the past 10 days or so (Comcast FTL). The most recent outage was from Thursday morning through yesterday afternoon, enough to cause me to miss a couple WoW raids, which was rather infuriating.
I guess it's a good thing in a way, as I've done some things this weekend I wouldn't normally have done if I had internet access. Like playing Settlers of Catan at my friends' place. Yes...a board game. This game is crazy fun though--why's it taken us so long to discover it!?!! I also read a book *GASP* Yes...I was so desperate for entertainment I actually read a book. OK it was just the Da Vinci Code, which hardly qualifies as literature in the minds of you popular fiction haters out there. But whatever, it was entertaining and kept me occupied for a few hours. I even got out of the house and watched X-Men in the theater. Now that was a pretty mediocre film, but it did get an extra brownie point for referencing "I'm da Jugganaut, b****!"
On the culinary side of things, my friends and I headed out to Napa (well, Yountville to be specific) yesterday to eat at my favoritest restaurant in the whole wide world. OK, I'm not that well traveled, but for it to be my favorite eatery in the SF Bay Area (and I have eaten at a few of the finer places around here) is still heady praise. For those of you who are visiting wine country anytime soon--you absolutely must eat at Bistro Jeanty.
Don't bother reading the menu. If the waiter tries to get you to order something else, like the coq au vin, do not listen. You want to order the tomato soup with puff pastry as an appetizer, and the "daube de boeuf" (beef stew) as your entree. It's quite simply, the most sublime beef stew you will ever eat in your life. The meat is so tender, just blowing on it causes it to fall apart. They serve the dish with a fork, but it's more properly eaten with a spoon. Mortal men should not be allowed to indulge their palates like this. Remember in Once Upon a Time in Mexico, when Johnny Depp's character says, upon finding the perfect puerco pibil, "It is so good that when I'm finished with it, I'll pay my check, walk straight into the kitchen and shoot the cook. Because that's what I do. I restore the balance to this country." Yeah. This beef stew is the same type of revelation, but I'd never walk up to Chef Philippe Jeanty and shoot him, because that man is a genius. So yea. Next time you're in California wine country, stop in Yountville.
It's Memorial Day weekend, so allowing it to pass without a BBQ would simply be unAmerican. I'll be heading out to one shortly--hopefully there'll be some football and/or basketball being played. Then tonight it's off to another fine Bay Area restaurant, Town Hall, for a friend's birthday. Whew, all this time out of the house sure is fun, but expensive. If the 'net connection cooperates, I'll have to spend next weekend holed up at home playing some Alterac Valley matches in WoW.
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